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Play With What You Have

Sometimes we don’t have all the resources we would like or that others may have. For teams, sometimes a key player is injured or unavailable.

This hit home Monday when I spent the day watching my son Ryker playing with his school rugby team at a major festival. There was a comment made that they didn’t have all their players. The idea seemed to be that they may have done better with more players as there would be fewer tired players, injuries could be rested a bit more and some would have relished the higher level they played at.

I thought that could be true. Their chances of overall success may have been improved. But then I remembered another key player from another team who was still on the injured list since we played them a few weeks ago. What if all the other teams had all their players or more players or their better players?

Life can be quite random. Sometimes it works in your favour and other times it does not. So, play with what you have and do your absolute best with that.


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