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Celebrate Milestones!

This is my 731st daily post. Today is the 2nd anniversary of my daily blogging. I said I’d do one year and that would be a real accomplishment. Then I developed discipline, a habit and a winning streak and out popped another 365!

I’ve enjoyed writing the posts and I hope many people have enjoyed reading them and got some value from them.

I have 551 draft, or partially drafted, blog posts in my folder. I might use some of those for this 3rd year of blogging. Many were harder to write as they were controversial or required a level of research or nuance in writing them well.

Perhaps this will be the year to let a few of those loose.

I’ve also got a new book written, published and available for pre-order at many online bookstores large and small. Amazon, Waterstones, Barnes&Noble and Chapters/Indigo are a few.

There’s a hardback, paperback and an ebook version at the moment. The official launch date for Achieve Anything is the 23rd January. Look into picking up a copy.

An audiobook version is on the cards but will take more time than I can swing at the moment. It’s something for everyone to look forward to. ?

So I’m delighted with today’s milestone, with the blog, and with having a book available on Amazon.

I look forward to helping more people think better to feel better, open their minds even more and achieve their dreams with 7 simple steps.

Here’s to you in 2022!


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