CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime


IF is in the heart of life.

If I had finished school or gone to college. If I’d got that job I wanted. If I’d been born in a different house to a different family. If my parents had been wealthier. If I’d said no. Or yes. At that perfect moment.

Well stuff the IF! We are where we are. The choices we made have, in part, led us here. Partly our own decisions and partly cosmic fate. Those two combined create our destiny.

We’ve yet to learn how to go back and undo, or redo, time, moments, choices and circumstance. So let’s get more comfortable with where we are.

So take a few moments, right now, and list 10 of your favourite memories. These don’t have to be your top 10 ever. Just the first 10 great memories that pop in your head now. You can keep writing 15 or 23 if the thoughts start to flow and even better, or just more, memories bubble up.

Great! Keep this list by your bed and read each one just before going to sleep and upon waking, every day. Smile. Be grateful. Cherish those babies. Cause that’s our life.


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