CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

What If I Offend Someone?

Well, with 7.8 billion people on the planet, chances are there will be at least one person offended by anything you say.

That doesn’t mean don’t say it though. Even if your intent is good and honourable, you can’t please everyone. And if they can’t see your good intent, that is not something you can change.

Think a little more before speaking. Choose your words and their order with more care. Keep away from generalisations like everyone, always, they and never. Be mindful of your biases. You don’t have to place them in people’s faces, like a red rag to a bull.

Is it a friend you want, or a fight? Can you live with your differences, or must you force them to your point of view? Remember, force rarely works.

People say things all the time without full awareness of its impact. That’s ok. Maybe they’ll try to be more mindful next time. But until then, and even if they don’t, we can pause and respond in a pleasant way. As often as required. We can control our actions and words.

Life’s too short to be offended often. Be kind. Be patient. Be compassionate. Maybe they’re hurting. Maybe they’ll learn from you.

Good luck with being the change you want to see.


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