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What Makes A Wonderful Day?

Sunshine? Warmth? Health? Family? Friends? A purpose? Winning at something? A kind word said to you? Kind action from another person? A flower? Good news? A phone call from an old friend? Completing a task? A cease fire? A peace treaty? A favourite song?

You don’t need 24 full hours of wonderful to declare, and feel, it’s a wonderful day. It can be one simple thing.

I had a wonderful day today. Gorgeous sunshine. Warmth from the sun. Blue skies. Freedom. Confidence in our institutions and law. Coaching and watching my son’s rugby ? team. He scored a try and played very well.

Then I went to watch my other son play field hockey. He scored a goal and helped his team to victory in the England Hockey quarterfinals. On to the semis!

There have been other lovely moments today too. But those really made it wonderful. Being healthy and able to enjoy children having fun, with some competitive tension, can make one blissful.

My wish for you is many, many wonderful days in your life. Keep it simple, observe and enjoy.


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