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Be More Accurate, Especially In Grouping People

I like to include others as much as the next person might, but more accuracy in our speech could help tone things down at the moment. When a person talks about we, they, all, it is rarely accurate. Few things involve 100% of a specific demographic, especially the larger ones.

Men don’t speak for all 4 billion men. Women don’t all have the same values as each other. There are black conservatives and Catholic liberals.

Look around this great big world. Regardless of our physically distinctive attributes, the mindsets inside are unique to every human. Someone from the English countryside may have more in common with someone from Thailand than London.

People tend to sort their preferences on the detail of each individual topic. It is presumptive to assume a particular person will share the exact same view on a topic as you. And remember what happens when you assume.

Their is strength and power in numbers but lets relax how many people we try to include in our group. It is more honest and accurate.


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