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Build vs Destroy

Building something takes time. Whether it is a house, a reputation or brand, garden or a relationship, the act of building takes much more time and energy than the destruction of the same things.

Building a house might take a year from initial idea and vision, to architect drawings, budgeting, building, fitting out and decorating. Yet, a simple match can destroy it in a few hours.

A bad tenant can wreck a house in a few days, weeks or months. And neglect can also be very detrimental over a year or several years.

Destruction can be intentional but does not need to be. Neglect can be corrosive enough.

Building requires intent and a positive desire.

Be mindful and intentional and continue to build areas of your life in a positive way. Otherwise, the weeds will grow, the dust will pile up and the rest of your life will take cues from your environment.

Continue to move with the times and build and grow each day. Use it or lose it as the saying goes.


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