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Plan In Detail

You can start with a generalisation. When you imagine an amazing future or visualise the realisation of an incredible dream, it can be big and broad.

But then you need to get deeper into the detail. Like planning a holiday, you start with skiing, beach or camping and then add the key details next. You need to know where, with who, when and how. You’ll also need to know how much so you can have the right cards with you or funds in place.

After the big details are in place you need the next level details. You’ll need to know which airline, which gate, which row and which seat. Maybe even what to bring with you on board and what you can’t bring.

The more precise you can be with the details, the more likely you’ll get what you want. I understand Queen Elizabeth II was very keen on the details. She understood the importance of the slightest thing.

You don’t need to be royalty to dress and present yourself well. And focusing on the details can be done by anyone.

Upgrade your skills in this area. Put the effort in. If you’re currently a five in the detail department, learn how to become a six or even seven. Search it up on the internet. Watch some videos. Practice. Get better at it. Your life will improve in many areas and you’ll be surprised at the benefits you find around you.


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