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Brain-Body Coordination

The brain is quite incredible. While watching my son play field hockey Saturday morning, I was struck by how incredible brain-body coordination is.

The players were taking shots on the keeper and it was a sight to see. There were a series of passes, players changing places and then the final player would take their big shot on the net.

Think of what the brain is doing and what the body is doing! There is eye movement, strategy assessment, angle, velocity and height calculations and all while the body is bending, moving forward, aligning for the shot and finally shooting with the occasional precision they were attempting.

That in itself is wildly incredible. If they get it where they wanted to, it is even more spectacular. The complexity of calculating a target probability, assessing the situation, moving into the best position and making it all happen in a second or two is something we should marvel at more often than most of us probably do.


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