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1,000 Blog Posts !!!

An historic milestone! I’ve written 1,000 consecutive, daily blog posts now. I hope you’ve been enjoying some of them and some have made you pause and think more than you normally would.

Most importantly, I hope some of my thoughts have helped you to take action in your life and improve some things you wanted to improve. Perhaps you’re now even living your dream!

Years ago, I set out to write 365 consecutive, daily posts, but I just kept going! The first ones were uncomfortable. Now I may be Unstoppable! Like I wrote in my book, you can Achieve Anything!

When you achieve something notable you should celebrate it! That’s step 7 in my book. So join me in celebrating this 1,000th consecutive, daily post. Tell your friends. Have them join in. Especially if they are trying to achieve anything specific in their life right now.

Woo hoo!

What’s the next big goal?! We shall see.

For now, though, I am celebrating. ?


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