
Making Mistakes

You made a mistake recently. You and I both know it. It was an actual mistake that you wish you hadn’t made. Now you have a choice in that you can just let it go and move on or you can acknowledge it. You may even feel the desire to apologise for the mistake or it’s impact.

Now I’m not talking about a well-considered choice you made and now regret, like how you voted, a date you went on or a poor restaurant choice. I’m referring to an actual mistake, “an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong.”

Maybe you turned left instead of continuing straight on ahead. Or maybe you called your friend Dave, when his name is Jim. Ooops!

How you respond generally depends on the circumstances. Did you notice the mistake or did someone have to point it out? Was it worth interrupting the flow of the situation or not. Would it be appropriate or helpful if you acknowledged it or even apologised for error?

These things are usually fluid and different people have different points of view, at different times and in different circumstances, and depending on how they feel, are impacted, their intent and which outcome they were looking for.

Do what you think is best for the greater good in that moment. Then move on. Bygones.


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