CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

Risk On, Risk Off.

Being financially aware is one important aspect of life. Like it or not, money is critical to your everyday life. Try getting through a week without buying anything or using anything you have bought. No transport. No food. And no clothes.

You can’t even do a zoom call for work. It wouldn’t be right using the electricity, even if it’s just a little amount. Because it all needs to be paid for with money.

So call your mortgage broker and your financial advisor and assess these higher rates and what you can do about them today. Play out some scenarios. Pay an early repayment charge if it makes financial sense so you can lock into a lower rate today, rather than a 3% higher rate next May.

Unless something breaks and threatens to pull down the entire financial system, we may be looking at a 5% base rate for 5 years or more.

Learn about finances for the next three months. What you learn may save you £75,000 over the next 5 years. Isn’t that worth spending 5 hours on this weekend?


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