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Asking For Payment

It’s important to pay for products and services we buy. We agree a price, use the product or service and then pay for it.

Equally, when we provide the product or service, we should be confident and ask for the sale or payment. We should ask with the expectation of prompt payment just as we would pay promptly if we were on they other side of the trade.

We would feel like a thief if we did not pay for something we acquired. Just as we would feel like we had something stolen from us if we delivered and we’re not paid.

Sometimes people forget to pay. So we must remind them. For their sake, and our own. And do it right away. It can get embarrassing if we have to chase someone down the street for payment. It’s awkward on both sides. Don’t let that happen.

Most people are honest and willing to pay. When you don’t remind them to pay, they could feel like a lesser person when they do remember. Make sure you give them every opportunity to feel good about buying, and paying for, your product or service, by asking for payment.


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