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Plan v Wish List v Idea

So you think you have a plan for 2023. What you probably have is a wish list, or simply an idea.

An idea has no emotion and little, if any, detail. It’s more of a statement. Lose 42 pounds. Get a new job. Land people on Mars.

You can then personalise it and add some emotion like excitement, concern, giddiness, fear or trepidation. As the idea moves from an abstract thought to something that may be part of your future, you begin to internalise it and different emotions will start to bubble up to the surface. For example, I would like to lose 42 pounds, get a new job and be part of the team that lands people on Mars.

To improve your chances of success though, you are best to write these ideas down. Make them personal with “I am” type statements and then add some clear, detailed steps and milestones that you’ll need to go through to reach your desired goal.

Making a plan requires more commitment and detail. It takes a bit of time to make. If you don’t have the will to commit to making the plan, it’s unlikely you’ll have the will to overcome the challenges that you’ll find on the path you have chosen to take.

If you do commit, you’ll need dates and times that you’ll actively progress your plan. You can add milestones too. You’ll also need a system to review your progress, including daily tracking of key activities and metrics. Without tracking against a plan, you are likely to drift and then give up.

But that needn’t be your story. Be the top 5% of people. Use your discipline. Feel how good it will be to have reached your goal. Hold that thought.

Now go turn your 2023 ideas into wishes and then make a plan around the most important ones.

Tag me in so we can celebrate together!!!


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