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When Do You Quit?

My son asked me tonight, when is it time to quit something? This could be school, a job, a relationship, a bad habit or a sport, club or activity.

It’s a tough question with no perfect answer. Each case will depend on the people and factors involved.

Steve Jobs made a good point that if you aren’t enjoying something for a long time or too many days in a row, it’s probably time to mix things up or at least assess what is going on.

I use this benchmark: Am I prepared to say this is as good as it gets in this area for me. I’ll probably never soar higher than this right now. Am I really ok with that? Or shall I press on a little longer?

If you are going to err on one side or the other, I’d say stick with something longer, even if you’re unsure. You may regain the joy or find your enthusiasm again!

It’s a personal decision. Good luck.


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