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Naming Your Child

Why did you choose the name you did for your child? Since you didn’t choose all the other names available, are you a bad person?

Humans select for preference. That means the non-selected options could be viewed as non-selected, second place or rejected. Or the name chosen could be viewed as being preferential. What’s interesting is that people prefer names for a wide variety of reasons. The name could be selected because of a father, grandmother, favourite aunt, old friend, famous actor, old boyfriend, a movie character or an ice cream flavour, to name a few influences.

When only one option can go forward, out of two options, it would be easy and very simple to deduce that the second was rejected, which feels worse than non-selected.

Selection is tricky as it often depends on so many factors. Rarely is one factor the 100% reason for something.there are often several reasons for any decision, though lots of studies and discussions want to boil it down to one.


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