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Best For Who?

The greatest good. That is a great phrase.

Listening to some politicians and journalists, you might think they only want what is best for themselves or the party / media outlet they work for.

What happened to the greatest good? Was it ever there even?

Ideally we would have people working for the greatest good of the most people while allowing any others to still thrive.

Unfortunately we have a lot of, “my way is the only way” thinking and actions which demonstrate some people would rather destroy others than lose power or adjust philosophically to accommodate more people.

When this happens, two tribes go to war. If you’re at all in a warring camp, blinded by fear, hate, distrust and disproportionate criticism, then try to pull out of this before it goes any further.

It is often hard to see our own destructiveness and personal challenges, but look inward, and see how you can help balance conversations and act for the greatest good.


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