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Discovery Is Quite Exciting

Think of all of the things that have been discovered. Imagine what else could be discovered! Discovery is quite exciting when you stop to actually think about it.

At one point in our not so distant history, it was common to believe that the world was flat. The acceptable view was that the Sun rotated around the Earth.

It is a funny thing discovery. It is always so exciting for the person discovering. They usually feel like they were the first in the world to discover the thing. When touring a flower garden children and adults alike may quickly move from one item to another to be ‘the first’ to discover an item or the notes next to it.

What is crazy is that almost everything has already been discovered. So, very few things are an actual real find for the very first time. At least in everyday life. Under a microscope, things may be a little different.

So there is discovering what and then also discovering how. For example, when jumping off a small ledge, we may discover gravity acting upon us. So the what is the gravity. How gravity works is a much more involved and detailed exercise.

It doesn’t matter if you were first or the most recent finder. Nor does it matter if it is new to you or new to everyone.

Regardless, discovery is quite exciting.


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