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Put Things Back Where They Belong

Ah, yes. How much time would this save people during their lifetime? If everyone put things back where they belong, life would be a little easier.

How many tense minutes have you lost over the years trying to find things? Sometimes it’s the car keys and sometimes people forget where they put their phone or their credit card. Glasses and sunglasses are another crowd favourite.

And don’t get me started on the number of times people forget where they put their drink. Of course the bottles, cans and glasses that are half full are always found by the host during clean up when everyone has left.

Poor filing, either online or in traditional filing cabinets can be a major source of wasted time. This is particularly true for those still using a plastic bag, drawer or corner of their desk or bedroom floor for filing their critical documents.

I’ve become mildly obsessed over the years with returning things to “their spot”. I believe it is ideal that everything has its proper or best place. Then that thing should be returned there immediately after using it.

Do not place it anywhere else, even just for a minute. It has the potential to languish there in that new, unfamiliar spot.

Put things back where they belong. This is a key path to happiness, success and calm.


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