
Move At Pace

Sometimes you feel sluggish. Or perhaps its the people around you. Maybe you are a bit directionless. That’s ok. Move at pace though once you have a clear vision and are committed.

If you know where you want to go, you may as well get there quickly. It is amazing how much quicker people will decide, move and complete once they are clear on their direction.

Which makes sense. There may not be a lot of value in racing around if you have no focused destination. So rest, reflect and consider your situation and where you might like to go in those circumstances. And as you get a stronger vision, you will start to move more quickly.

You will gain momentum. That will build up and press you forward even faster. This is demonstrated well the three days before you go on holiday. Work items get delegated, delivered or deleted at great speed.

In addition, you do start to copy the speed of those around you. So, once again, be selective with who are in your flock. It’s ok to shuffle and sway when you are on a beach holiday. But when it is time to get the work done, you will want to be around people who move at pace!


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