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Mindset Inequality

Perhaps it is not a wealth, race, religion or gender issue. What if the main reason for societal imbalances is our thought process? Mindset inequality may be the real issue we need to address.

If you are taught to find problems in society, you will find them. In contrast, if you believe that nothing will stop you, then nothing will. In addition, we will all have speed bumps in our life. They will be there to test our patience, resilience, good nature, desire and determination. However, everyone will have different bumps along their path.

How we have people approach those bumps may determine how well the people succeed. Do you want people to approach obstacles as a victim or a victor? Would you rather tell people not to try, because the deck is stacked against them, or to go prove it is possible to the world?

Great mindsets tend to win. A great and empowering philosophy transcends challenges and withstands substantial body blows. You can see the type of mindset successful people tend to have. They believe it is possible. And, even if they aren’t sure, they train and work hard at it, just in case it could happen for them.

Do you want to give your child, friend, family member or anyone else a hand up in this world? If so, then teach them to be resilient and unstoppable.

Do your part to eliminate mindset inequality.


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