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Aren’t You Curious?

That rich woman. That powerful man. How did they get where they are today? What path did they take? Which hurdles did they overcome. Aren’t you curious?

Notice the couple with a great relationship. Observe the family that plays and laughs together. Hear the love in their voices, projecting kindness from their heart.

Wondering why things are as they are, is a great skill to develop. Everything seems to be here for a reason. The sun to warm and the rain to cool. Gravity is there to hold things down. Rivers flow into seas. It all seems a little convenient. You may want to change the setup and the system, but perhaps you just don’t know why it is how it is.

Start with this way of thinking and you’ll find it effortless. But if you didn’t, there will be work to do. Attempts to put others down for their successes, or feelings of jealousy or envy, are not useful.

Get curious about their mindset and the path they have taken to this state and place. You too could have the same if you followed the natural path and process. All journeys to a destination have a beginning, middle and end.

Aren’t you curious about the process required to achieve anything?


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