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Gen X Will Be skipped

Reading an article yesterday struck a chord. It noted that because Baby Boomers have held onto their jobs so long, that Gen X will be skipped in the career process.

I used to think that all those Baby Boomers would be retired by 60 or 65. They were wiser, better with their money and more aware. Consequently, my overriding thought was that there would be incredible opportunities. Many senior level leadership roles would open up as the ageing work force meant declining numbers available to work.

30 years later it may be that the opposite is true. People are healthier now. They feel they have to work longer as they know they will live longer. They will require more money. Some want to work longer as they enjoy their career and enjoy the experience.

Whatever the reason, Baby Boomers are not retiring as early or as quickly as I had anticipated. This seems to be adding a strange overhang in the market. Without the OG’s retiring or moving on, the Gen X’ers are stuck on the second or third rung with little upward mobility.

There are worse places to be in this world. If they have a nice job and are waiting for the other person to die or at least be sidelined, they may be disappointed. But we will all carry on. Soon roles will open up a plenty. Though it may be the Gen Z’ers that fill them.

Gen X will be skipped.


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