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Key Skills In Life

You need five key skills in life. That is all. Not 2,000 and not even 200. Nor are they difficult. But without these you will struggle.

Learn to work diligently and with pride.

Be appropriate with money. This includes spending less than you earn.

Be selective with your time. Enjoying time spent is one thing. However, wasting it, especially repeatedly, is an entirely different story.

Learn to be kind to others. This also includes being well mannered.

Finally, be grateful and appreciate all of the people and things that are in your life.

Yes, you could list more here. I could even break some of these down to be more specific. But generally, if you can manage to do these five things, within the broader context of your life, you will do well. By which I mean you will earn a decent living, be joyful, live with little stress and retire on your own means.

Work on these five key skills in life every day.


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