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Overcome Your Obstacles

Everyone has obstacles to overcome. Some may seem harder for you then their’s seem for them. But how would we really know? Maybe you handle obstacles better than they do so yours seem easier or harder.

If you’ve done some thinking, you know there are obstacles in your way, before you even start. You need to honestly acknowledge those obstacles in your way, consider your options and make a plan to get beyond them.

Mostly, your obstacles will be thoughts in your head rather than physical obstacles. You might think that the issue is with some one or some thing, but it usually just needs a little more of your thinking (see yesterday’s blog).

At least write out your obstacles, even if you can’t fix them right away. If you know what they are, you can arrange things so they do not impede your progress much.

Overcome is step two in my upcoming book – Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. A big part of shifting from where you are to where you want to be is getting past being uncomfortable. You either are already uncomfortable with the way things are or it makes you uncomfortable trying to overcome your issues and move forward. It’s ok. Let’s take this step forward together.


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