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Diversity Of Thought Or Appearance

Which is better? Are they both good but for different reasons? Should we focus on improving one, the other, both or neither?

Should we be trying to engineer things or let them take their natural course? Think about the forced path meandering across a green space in front of a university or other building. Then notice the well worn path in the grass that is the direct route across the space that so many people clearly take.

Diversity of appearance can help people see themselves in the position of that admired person one day, as outward appearance is a quick identifier.

However, if you take the Bible and wrap it with dozens of distinctly different looking covers, the text inside will be the same. If a book club selects all the different books based on their cover, when each review is given, the content will be strikingly similar and monotone. There may be little diversity of thought or intellectual diversity.

On the other hand, a person could look very similar to a few dozen other people and have very different views, experiences, thoughts and perspectives on a variety of topics. This would demonstrate diversity of thought.

So, as always, it depends on what your intent is and what you are solving for.

However, don’t argue for diversity of thought while only seeking diverse appearances. Likewise, it’s best not to think you’re getting diversity of thought when you are really just keeping up appearances.


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