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Death Is Upon Us

We are all going to die one day. This is an easier concept to accept when it is not looming on the horizon or at our front door.

So start getting comfortable with this very natural event or stage in life. All plants go through it. So do all animals, insects, fish, etc.

Make arrangements for this eventuality. Write it down. Get into all the detail.

I remember being in Toronto with my grandparents one time. They would only have been about 60. We were driving along in their car. As we passed a massive cemetary, my Grampa hollered, while pointing at a specific area, “That’s where I’ll be buried. Right there.”

They had made their funeral arrangements, bought the plot, paid for the casket, etc. They were responsible adults. They didn’t wait for their death to thrust havoc and decisions on their children.

Take charge of your affairs. Prepare for a good death. Then go and live it up until that time comes.


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