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Make A Plan For Life

Begin with the end in mind. In your final days, when you look back over your life, what will you be proud of? What will you savour and hold close?

Who will tidy your mess? There are many questions to answer including whether you left an inheritance, fond memories, or children.

Hopefully you will have been a net giver on this Earth. You will have a tidy and easy to understand book of your affairs for your Executor.

What fun plans will you have had, trips will you have taken, and opportunities will you have pursued.

Sit down at a computer, or with pen and paper, for one hour this weekend and write out your life from its finish, back to now. Write out the highlight real you want to watch in your later life.

Then on Monday, set to work to ensure you do all that you wrote. That’s how you create a dream life.


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