Your worst day is likely to be a dream day for millions of people, or more.
If you have health, others may not. You may have access to healthcare, where others don’t. Imagine that!
Having kids or your parents nearby, or a phone call away, is a treasure.
Having passive income or a job is also a dream for many people. As is having a warm house to live in or a hot shower every day.
Having enough food to eat each day is also a blessing.
We often compare up and notice what we don’t have or would like to have. Take a few minutes today to compare your life with those less fortunate and appreciate all that we have that most of the world might like.
Appreciate your pretty good health, free healthcare, warm dinners, hot showers, family, friends, income, savings, etc. Appreciate it all.
Great 20 second reel below illustrates this well.
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