CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsThink About It

The Weighting Of Words

Why does party sound more fun than discipline or focus? Party and focus are both five letters long. They weigh the same. However, their associations are different and so is the sound they make.

Being a liberal often sounds more fun and enjoyable than being a conservative, but it doesn’t mean it is better. Think about different words as you go through the week ahead and weigh them against each other.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Restructure Your Day

Do you have any structure to your day? If you work from home, are retired, are between jobs or are a primary carer, your day may not have much structure. For people with a structured day this may seem like a dream.

However, it could become a disaster. Without structure, or order, life can get pretty freeflowing, or chaotic. That may seem odd but it depends on how you look at things.

If you don’t have a set plan for each day, you just fall into whatever you stumble upon or are asked to do. This freeflowing nature can be liberating for awhile but is not a great way to live life if you have some specific goals to achieve before you’re not capable or before you die.

Structure in your day, whether imposed (by say a job) or self imposed, is very good to achieve more and reduce anxiety. So decide on your hourly activities, write them down and follow the structure.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Less Sleep

There are moments in life where you’ll lose sleep. This can include studying for exams, preparing a big case, seeing a magical skyline with stars and being in Seattle.

Regardless, sometimes you have to push through. Do it! It’s worth it.

CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughts

Spending To Help Can Go Too Far

The US government is borrowing on an unsustainable course, says a headline I glimpsed earlier. They noted that 88% of millions of simulations have shown this. So only 12% of simulations have shown it is sustainable to some degree.

I guess you only need one to work. Cross your fingers and hope is not the best strategy though.

If it goes wrong, the current government will have the dubious distinction of having overspent and destroyed the economic goose that was the US economy.

I am sure they mean well. They want to spend a little to help the very impoverished to get the real necessities. But soon enough, like many good intentions, they pave the road to hell.

You see, it doesn’t stop with the basics. Then they want to help lower income people have things of cultural importance like a tv, car or a drinks fridge. These are not necessary to live for most people. Yet the government convinces itself that they are doing good deeds.

They don’t notice they are using other people’s money to pay for unnecessary items. If the person really wanted it they could get more income or spend less elsewhere or even save first and spend once they have the required funds.

Remember, a good start to a program must be continually revisited or it could go too far and bring about disastrous pain in the future when the house of cards collapses in a light breeze.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Schedule Your Minutes

Allocate a set time to achieve your goals and tasks throughout the day. Whether it is for a phone call, or to write a letter or even just to eat lunch, decide how long you have to get it done and then do it in that time frame.

Make it snappy and pacey though. If you can get up from working, have lunch, and be back at your desk in 15 minutes, great! Then don’t drag it out for 35 minutes because you think you have a spare 20 minutes: you probably don’t.

Use every minute like you mean it and it’s precious. Jam as much life in as you can in every 24 hour period – whether working or playing.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Set Your Day The Night Before

Make great plans and stick to them. They may be delayed by events or go a little sideways at times. Allow for that but stay the course and carry on.

Prepare in writing what your following day will be. Plan the hours, and allow the correct amount of time. Don’t allow too much but allow sufficient time to actually complete the tasks.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look Closely At Your Habits

Your habits are things you don’t even notice. But they will direct your life like no other tool. Pay attention to what you do, that is the real indicator of your true intent.

If our actions aren’t in line with our values, we will know. Similarly, so will everyone else.

So check your habits and see what you are doing and if you really are getting the results you say you want.