Life is all risky. Select the risks you take with some solid thinking. Don’t risk it all when it comes to money or health. Take calculated risks and move forward with your eyes wide open.
Category: Action
Aim For 30 Minutes Early
Don’t just aim to be there on time or a few minutes early. Aim for significant headroom, especially if it’s important to you.
Tide Comes In And Goes Out
As sure as the waves lap the shore, new ideas will come forward, pause and retreat. Sometimes huge waves crash on the shoreline, but the water still retreats.
We see fashions and trends come and go. The longer they stay or the more they push into the mainstream, the harder and faster they tend to snap back.
We’re seeing some very large trends almost whiplash as they’re ushered out and back into the sea of idea obscurity.
Sometimes gentle waves lapping on the shore are much better and long lasting than a tropical storm or tsunami.
Praying For Good
Praying and hoping good things happen to or for someone are quite similar things. More religious-oriented people may say praying. For people who find that word more challenging, they may say hoping. Either way, you are giving your healing thought energy to someone.
Things Change
Some change is wonderful or exciting. Other change is dreadful or painful. Change will continue to be there regardless of how we see it.
Change just is. We give the change its meaning. We can also adjust what meaning we give to the change. Do try to make it more positive. It can be very hard. But if you do this, it can have a positive impact. It will take time and repeated effort and brain training. It will be worth it though.
Take Time To Look Around
Look around your home, office, local area and even new places too. Be curious. See everything with new eyes and possibilities.
You may have kept things a certain way for years but your tastes may have changed or your interests are different. Look around and see every single item and decide if it still brings you pure joy or if it is practical in a required way.
If not, it is time to remove that item and give it to charity, sell it or bin it.
Spring cleaning is what some people call it at this time of year. Regardless of the name, take action!
Reading And Thinking
Do you read something and assume it’s all true or do you mull it over? Think things through from both sides, even if it makes you uncomfortable to consider opposing or alternative thoughts.
We may not always like the truth but the truth will set you free.
Seek Common Ground
This is usually the best course of action. Anyone not able or willing to look for common ground together is usually unworthy of having a discussion with.
Most topics require precision of detail to get to any true understanding. People not willing to take the time to explore in greater depths, by employing sweeping generalisations with little or no data, should be avoided. They demonstrate little desire to think beyond their cerebral island or one track mindset.
Can You Handle It?!
Some people say that God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle. It’s a great statement, whether you believe in God or not.
If you live by that idea, you’ll always believe you can handle anything that comes your way. Then, almost always, with a good perspective, that will be true.
It may get mighty uncomfortable at times, and for far longer than you’d like to endure. However, if you know you’ll be able to handle it and the darkness won’t last forever, you’ll know there is light at the end of the tunnel and make it through.
Celebrate When You Can!
Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, promotions, and even Saturdays all deserve a little celebration. You’ll feel good about it. Enjoy it!
There aren’t that many days in life that you get to celebrate, so when the opportunity arises, or you feel like celebrating life, go for it!!