CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Develop Good Habits

You may have to start with one. And get really good at it. Then move on to another and build that into your day. It can take some time. Stick with it. It will be worth it over the years.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Triangulate To The Truth

You need different perspectives to assess what could have happened. Why would a court call several witnesses to the stand? Because each one may have seen things slightly differently.

The totality of what they witnessed gives a much better picture than just the one observation point. Remember this the next time you go and judge someone based only on your views or that of only one other.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It


The number one weapon of people with no viable argument is to discredit someone. They are unable to address the precise issue head on and stick to that. They aim to discredit the person to win the argument rather than use sound facts or relevant information. This is usually because they don’t have a strong, or any, case.

If this happens, remind the person to remain on topic. You can also remind them that you’d prefer that they not engage in personal attacks or make this personal. If they continue, discontinue the conversation as clearly they are less interested in discussing the point or feel they have lost the argument so they try to drag you down in some form.

CategoriesActionThink About It


Youthful exuberance is how it might be noted. Doing things one’s own way is a time tested desire. It can have some good outcomes from it and sometimes it goes too far and doesn’t work out for anyone.

Rebellions can be very good, depending on what the cause is.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughts

Get Your Costs Down

If you would like more calm in your life, then get your costs down. Most of what you buy could be foregone or purchased with a cheaper alternative.

This goes for clothes especially but also works for food, travel and entertainment.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Decision Making Is A Superpower

Those who can make quick decisions will succeed sooner in life. You can usually change a decision if you need to later. However, making a decision is critical.

Too many people prevaricate and hope they won’t have to make the tough decisions. Sometimes even easy decisions, like ordering dinner at a restaurant, can take too much time and thought power.

Practice making quick decisions each day this week. It’s a muscle that you can develop.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime


Few people want to plan for later life and ageing but the sooner you do it, the easier and better it is.

Don’t leave the tough decisions about DNRs, funeral arrangements, inheritance, finances, POA, care, assisted living, long term care, and medical decisions to the last minute. You’ll be too tired and disinterested to do it. You might not be thinking straight or you may have dementia.

Plan ahead while you’re younger and energetic and clear headed. You can thank me later.

FYI: Amazon has a deep sale on and my book can be purchased for the price of a coffee but could help you become a happy millionaire! (Great value!!)

Grab a copy or two as gifts for some friends and family! At these prices they won’t last long. I just saw a half dozen purchased in the last half an hour. And there are now less than a dozen left! Act now!

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Do Things Before You’re Asked

People are extra grateful and appreciative when you do things without them needing to tell you or remind you.

Receiving flowers or a gift has a lot more impact if you haven’t had to ask for them. Same with doing dishes and being romantic. What could you be more proactive about?