There are times when that is really what you need most.
Category: Action
Your Last Time
There is always a last time. We just don’t always know when it will be.
Times you’ll know it’s your last time can be your last day sitting at your desk at school, the last time you you drive a car before you sell it and your last day working for a company.
Although sometimes you won’t know it’s the last time while it is happening. Your last goodbye to a friend, the last time you speak with one of your parents or the last time you wake up in your bed.
Appreciate every day and every encounter. Give heartfelt goodbyes, as one will inevitably be the last.
Push Yourself
When you exercise, push yourself. Go at it harder than you want to. Go to the edge of pain. Get out of your comfort zone. Sweat.
Same with work and studying. Also with admin and in business. Push yourself harder than you currently do. You can do more. You’re just being a little reticent, reserved or lazy.
Let’s go!
Jump Fast
When an opportunity looks good, jump fast. Moving quickly can make all the difference.
Do your due diligence, but do it quickly. Work with your gut feeling but have data that backs it up reasonably well.
Dream, Research, Plan, Execute.
Use this four step process to reach your exciting dreams. These are the very basic steps.
It does take some effort to think things through and to write it all down. The writing helps you hone in on the specific detail.
Take 60 minutes every month and review this plan. You should add new dreams to it then too.
Go on! Dream a little.
Be Busy
Be busy but on the right things.
Comedy Clubs
A fantastic invention. We have one on our doorstep and don’t go as often as we could.
If you’ve not been to one, or not been to one in a while, book yourself some tickets for sometime in the next 8 weeks.
Get some friends to come along (great idea!). Or you can even go on your own. You’ll laugh with the crowd and you won’t have to buy a round of drinks, which helps if you’re on a tighter budget.
Book them today so you have something fun to look forward to. Then go and have a wonderful time!
Find opportunities to laugh. It’s very good for you.
Get to a comedy club, watch something on tv, spend time with someone with a great sense of humour or think about things that make you chuckle.
Laughter is great medicine. Enjoy!
Write Down Your Dreams
Get creative. Remember your childhood dreams. Think of new dreams. Write all of these down.
Get them in some sort of priority order. Perhaps start with the easiest to achieve. Then the least expensive to most expensive. You definitely want a list of things that are to do before I am unable to.
Start mapping these dreams out on a calendar. Things you’ll do this year go on there now and the rest get years and months written next to each item.
Get these dropped into your life. Then work like heck to make each one happen.
Just over 5 years ago I started writing a daily blog. I set out to work every day for one year. I wasn’t sure I’d get through three months.
But I set it in my head that every day I just had to do this one thing. Some have been long and some have been short. Regardless, I have always done one. Every. Single. Day. More than 1,830 days and therefore 1,830+ blog posts.
Whoosh. Five years can go by just like that.
Now, a few more plans are hatching for these next five years. And they’ve started…