Whether it is with your employees, teammates, children or community at large, model the behaviour you desire to see from them. Be honest with yourself whether you are really modelling the desired behaviour all the time, or just when you feel like it.
Category: Action
Let People Be Responsible
Rather than tell people, sometimes it’s better to ask them. Let them be the person having to come up with a good answer. Often you’ll be surprised at how they rise to the occasion.
Enjoy This Moment
No matter how good or tough, enjoy this moment, right here, right now. Savour the next one minute. See how many wonderful things go through your mind in 60 seconds. Go.
Book Time For Walks
Walks are great. They are very good for your overall well-being, both mental and physical. It’s a good time to clear your head, have new thoughts, see new things, listen to books or podcasts or chat with a friend, in person or on the phone. Make walking time a daily priority. You’ll thank me later.
What Motivates You?
Would you rush into a burning building to save a child? If so, why? Honestly. Would you lend a friend £1,000? Is it your risk tolerance at play here? Or perhaps you’re a giving, charitable or empathetic person?
What motivates people fascinates me.
Explore Your Mind
Be brave and learn about yourself. What makes you tick and what do you avoid and why? If something impacts you, figure out why. Ask yourself questions. Push your own buttons. It’s not easy but you’ll be a better person for it.
Squeezing It All In
There are days you can’t even imagine how you got through them. Stress, time, challenge and conflicts all play their part. Some days you have little choice but to squeeze it all in.
When It Rains, It Pours.
Oh boy. It can feel quite crazy at times. The feeling of non-stop issues, or maybe never stop issues, can really challenge your energy.
The sun will shine again. You will be on top again. And this feeling of being spun like clothes in the washing machine may just disappear for awhile. Be resilient. It won’t pour forever.
Declutter Your Digital Life
I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of tabs open, unread emails, text messages requiring my attention and WhatsApp groups that I’ve not been active in for a year.
Between now and the end of August, I’m going to tidy this all up again. Unsubscribe to emails, leave WhatsApp groups, delete emails, and close all tabs in safari and chrome. Spare time will be spent pruning.
Decide To Change And Stop Wavering
To change something, you really need to commit. This needs to be a commitment that you really mean and intend to follow through on. One where you’ll accept anyone’s help to reach your goal.
You must set out a written plan, set up your environment to win, and track your key progress items every day. If these three things aren’t done, you’ll know the level of commitment you’re working at.