CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Step 3: Write

Writing things down is so incredibly useful. Thinking can be quite broad and general. When you write things down you get clearer in your thoughts. In order to write something sensible, whether in bullet point or sentence form, you need to refine your thoughts a degree or two.

With these more clear thoughts written on paper or in a device, you better organise and clarify your thoughts. Then you have something which helps you be more specific in your present and future.

You will also have something to come back to so that you can review it and track your progress against it. This helps you understand where you are and how well you are moving toward the outcome you desire.

The pen is mightier than the sword. Written contracts are more binding, clear and useful than verbal ones. The clarity of thought and written affirmations can change your life forever.

Write things down: To do lists, calendar items, plans, dreams and ideas. It will make a world of difference if you start and get better at it as you go.

”Step 3: Write“, paraphrases a portion of the third step in my recently released book, Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. It is available on Amazon, and other online book retailers. It is an international bestseller and reached #1 in self-help. Currently the ebook is 95% off, Hardcover 39% off, paperback is regular price and the Audible version, which is read by me, can be had for free if opening an Audible account or use one of your several credits. Enjoy your success!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Little Steps Add Up

Don’t try to leap from £0 to £10m in 5 minutes. Take some little steps. Get to £1 and then to £5 and £10. From there you can aim for £20, £50, £100, £200, £400, and £1,000.

As you go you will become more confident and you will be creating success. You should celebrate each win and step. You will look out for greater opportunities and build your habits into strengths that can work at small and large levels. This is where the magic is.

If you can be successful with the small steps and smaller amounts, you can be successful with the bigger steps and bigger amounts. If not, you will likely fail at both levels.

So make sure you can do the basics well first. Then you can scale. Go one little step at a time.

CategoriesActionHealth & Fitness

The Art Of Sleeping Anywhere

Sometimes you just need rest. You need to reenergise. But you don’t always have a nice, comfy bed to sleep in. Can you sleep anywhere or only in a bed?

Over the years I’ve slept in some unusual places. And I have known people to be able to sleep wherever is necessary. Some people can fall asleep in the chair across from you, when the feeling hits.

Develop the art of sleeping anywhere. It’s a good skill to have. Whether it’s on a chair, on the floor, in a hammock, on milk crates, standing up, at a desk, etc., learn to do it where you can. When the moment comes that your brain or body needs rest, be practical with your surroundings.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Set Goals With Milestones

I did that this morning and it worked great! I was at a cottage and wanted to kayak to one end of the lake. So I set my goal and estimated time. Then I had some mini goals, or milestones, which I set.

In addition to these, I gave myself some MTO goals. This made it easy to bail out of the Outrageous goal, if I didn’t have the time or energy to succeed with it, but still feel good that I had surpassed my minimum goal or even target goal.

Each milestone I passed gave me more energy to complete the reducing remaining amount. I celebrated each one which kept me positive and determined, despite the intense sun, sore hands and arms and aching bottom.

Despite the headwind and frequent foot high waves, I pushed through and did the whole circuit.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day with fabulous warmth (28C). Blue skies were peppered with occasional clouds, one was even fish shaped.

If you would like to learn more about how to achieve more in your life, pick up my new book, Achieve Anything, which is now out on Audible – A brilliant way to hear all the great content.

You’ll even learn more about MTO, goal and milestone setting and celebrating. Pick up your copy today! Click the link below or go to Audible to get it now.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

There’s Always An Outcome

In everything, there is always an outcome. Sometimes you get the outcome you want and other times you get a different outcome than desired or expected. But you often have some influence over the outcome. Sometimes it’s more than you think and other times it’s less.

Regardless of your perceived level of influence, do all the things you can legally and morally do to get the outcome you’re looking for.

Start early. Contact everyone you think can help influence the outcome. Be pleasant and fair but direct and concise. Assume “no” is a temporary answer and obstacle. Seek out solution-oriented individuals and companies. Consider all the options you can possibly think of. Talk to people to check the viability and probability of the various options.

You can achieve anything if you use all of your super powers and your current and desired network. ✅



If you want something, you need to be determined to get it. If you get lazy, drift or even take your foot off the pedal for just a minute, you may jeopardise your chances of success.

Double down and triple down your energy and make progress beyond what you thought possible. Want it more than anyone else. Do the longer hours. Push for better outcomes. Be determined and win.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Challenge Yourself

Every day should have one element of challenging yourself. Try making something new to eat or saying hello to someone.

The boys and I swam across the bay on this lake and swam back. Great challenge. Great achievement. Pick something every day that is outside your comfort zone and give it a go.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessProgressPropertyReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Dream About Your Ideal Life

Use your imagination. Refine your thoughts. Be sensible, stay in budget but build a better life in your mind. See it clearly. Add in all of the detail.

Now, give yourself 10 years to get there.

Then decide you’re going to start today, do something everyday and reach your goals in 9 or 10 years. July 29 2032 will be the day you celebrate hard from achieving your dreams. Congratulations. You made it!

You may be financially free, married, still alive, retired, travelling to fascinating countries, dedicated to charity work, having children, adopting, teaching, coaching, having fun, or any of 1,000 other things.

Don’t wait 15 years. Don’t wait another minute. Get clear on a goal or two now and get working on it. Follow the 7 Simple Steps in my book, Achieve Anything, and you will succeed and become Unstoppable. Go for it now!
