CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

You Can’t Force People

Well, it is very hard to force people to do something against their will. At least, not without significant threat that is meaningful to them (not just a threat that you would respond to).

Ever try to get your children to do their homework against their will? How far do you have to take it? Do they do it on their own? Or with threat of detention at school? Perhaps you take away their phone for awhile or threaten to cancel desired play dates with friends.

What if they still won’t do it? Do you need to beg, plead and appeal to their sympathetic nature? Will bribes of candy, money, activities or other future benefits come into the frame?

This is the same for adults. If people don’t want to do something on their own, they will resist it in countless ways. Then, if you go the route of force, not friendliness, you may resort to imposing actions which could result in financial ruin, jail time, family distress, mental terror or even death.

You attract more flies with honey than vinegar. It’s an odd phrase but there seems to be sense behind it. #bekind

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

What Do You Love About Life?

Serious question. Have you ever even thought about it? What is it that makes you crazy delighted about being alive?

Spend 10 minutes now writing some ideas down.

These are the things you’ll really miss when you’re gone, or they are. Start giving these the daily appreciation they deserve.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

What If I Offend Someone?

Well, with 7.8 billion people on the planet, chances are there will be at least one person offended by anything you say.

That doesn’t mean don’t say it though. Even if your intent is good and honourable, you can’t please everyone. And if they can’t see your good intent, that is not something you can change.

Think a little more before speaking. Choose your words and their order with more care. Keep away from generalisations like everyone, always, they and never. Be mindful of your biases. You don’t have to place them in people’s faces, like a red rag to a bull.

Is it a friend you want, or a fight? Can you live with your differences, or must you force them to your point of view? Remember, force rarely works.

People say things all the time without full awareness of its impact. That’s ok. Maybe they’ll try to be more mindful next time. But until then, and even if they don’t, we can pause and respond in a pleasant way. As often as required. We can control our actions and words.

Life’s too short to be offended often. Be kind. Be patient. Be compassionate. Maybe they’re hurting. Maybe they’ll learn from you.

Good luck with being the change you want to see.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Know When To Stop Digging

Sometimes we make a mistake. Don’t be the person that doubles down on their error. Don’t escalate things out of control. You don’t need to prove you’re right, especially by might. It’s better to do the right thing for the greater good.

Put the shovel down. Stop digging a deeper hole.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New Thinking

The End Game

You really should have an end game in mind, and written down, when you take aim at a new goal, challenge or desired achievement. I don’t say this lightly. These elements build on key themes that run through three of the seven steps in my new book Achieve Anything.

Step 1 is Think, which includes beginning with the end in your mind. It also includes the rhetorical question, ’Why?’ Why are you putting energy and time into this process to reach the outcome?

Step 3 is Write. You need to take the thoughts and turn them into written words that you, or anyone, can refer back to.

Step 4 is Plan. You really should collect those written thoughts and turn them into a structured plan with dates, times, desired outcomes and the finish line.

Notice we skipped Step 2? Lots of people do. That is a big reason why many people do not achieve their goal. More on that in the book.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Don’t Continue – Finish!

It’s great to have projects on the go. But we need to keep a clear eye on these so they don’t last forever. It sounds great to be working on something, but sometimes we have to make that super extra effort and get items finished.

I have a handful of things that seem to get carried forward each day and have been for weeks, and months in some cases! There are various reasons for that. Some aren’t urgent. Some are nice to have but not critical. Others require input from someone else. Still others take more time then they seem to be worth.

Then occasionally I will have a burst and knock a few of these items off my list. Sometimes that means getting up earlier, going to bed later or switching priorities.

It’s been harder recently with completing the book, the book launch and some other pressing matters. However, I can see a time in late February / March where I can tidy up quite a few of these things. That will feel great!

CategoriesActionThink About It

The Power Of Thought

Everything begins in the mind and with a thought. It is the kernel, the seed, the beginning. From there, anything can happen.

Your body responds to the thoughts in your mind. Even when you don’t think you have thought, you have. You don’t think through how to walk across the room. You just see yourself over there and off you go!

Start with a thought and it can take you anywhere.

And do not be concerned if few people see your destination. It always starts with one person and their vision. Airplanes are ubiquitous today, but 200 years ago flying was a wild idea. Even 120 years ago, only a few people could see it happening. Then, once the first flight occurred in Kitty Hawk, in 1903, more people believed and saw the potential.

Now, so many of us benefit from the power of that original thought by someone who was dreaming of a better world.

Use the power of thought to start changing your life. Reimagine your corner of the world and begin.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About ItTime

Cherish Old Photographs

A snapshot in time can be so valuable. It can remind us of how things were or we’d like them to be. Happier times can be captured. So can people we no longer see everyday.

We can look at old photos and hear the echo of the past. Sometimes the voices will inspire or haunt us. We can know the story or make one up. It’s a powerful medium.

Cherish old photographs, as that time will never be again.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

What If I could?

What if I could succeed at anything I truly wanted? How different would my life be, if I could reach my goals? How amazing could things get if I aimed for the stars but only landed on the moon?

Start creating your incredible life today. Are you waiting for permission? You’ve got it! Start to imagine the life of your dreams. Consider what you must do to get there. Then start. Start now.

In 5 years you’ll be delighted you started today. In 10 years you’ll be blown away with your progress. In 15 years, wonderful things you hadn’t even considered will be happening like magic.

What if you could? Consider the possibilities. Now go build that dream life!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Repeat Or Improve

Your choice. Groundhog Day or something more interesting or exciting? If your days have become monotonous and a bit boring, it may be time to search for something more interesting to add to your days.

What would you like your life to look like? What amazing plans would you have set for you? If you could achieve anything your heart desires, what would you be working towards every day?

Now go take the first step to make that happen!
