
Watch Your Metrics

Keep an eye on the metrics that count in your life. Is it your weight, calories, income, spending, clients, sales calls, views, likes, comments, unit sales or something else?

Review, monitor and track these key metrics every day. This is critical. Success in your life depends on it.

Know your most important metrics that matter, not just the vanity metrics.

Course-correct as you need to in order to stay on course for your desired outcomes and your ultimate success.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Accept People’s Help

Often we say, ”No, thank you”, when offered help. For many this has simply become the habitual response. I’m suggesting we pause and consider that helping hand.

Perhaps it will lighten the load, reduce the cost, save time or simply make the task more enjoyable.

For the helper, this might help them feel useful in a world where they no longer feel they are. Perhaps they aren’t working, kids are grown up or they are no longer with their partner. Offering to help might be there best option to maintain their social circle.

Next time someone offers to help, accept it graciously. It might feel very good for both of you.

PS Great news!!! My book is at #6 on the Bestseller list on Amazon UK under Self-help. Make use of these last 24 hours and get your FREE ebook on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and !ndigo. Offer ends midnight Monday (UK time). For those of you who would like to help it get to #1 on Monday, please do tell your friends and family and colleagues. To make it easy you can share this link to the ebook on Amazon


My eBook Is FREE Today. Grab A Copy!

My eBook is FREE today on Amazon sites globally and on Barnes&Noble.

If you’re curious about what I’ve written, what the 7 steps are, or the process to achieve anything, this is a sensible way to take a look.

You’ll get a great, useful book you can read in under 5 hours and Amazon’s algorithm will get excited and suggest it to more people. You’ll be happy, those other people will be happy and I’ll be happy. Win win win.

The more people that are achieving their goals, the better.

Get a copy for yourself, your kids, brother, friend and parents. It might help them get excited about an old dream or a new goal!

Click here to go to Amazon directly now.

By the way, at the time of writing this, the Achieve Anything eBook had climbed up to 32nd on Amazon UK’s self-help Bestsellers list. Pretty good in less than a week after launch ?.

That’s higher up than Ant Middleton, Eckhart Tolle and Stephen Covey. So that’s a good day.


Sharing Content Attracts Your Tribe

Ever time you speak, put an article of clothing on, or sit with a group, you’re projecting information to the world.

When you share posts, reels, lives etc online, there are certain norms to follow. But, you can push the boundaries.

What you put out into the world, you will attract back. You’ll gain a following. People will want to join you.

This is how you’ve attracted your current friends. Put out different vibes, content and thoughts if you want to attract a different group.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressThink About ItTime

New Book Launches Today!!!

I’m very excited to announce the launch of my new book, Achieve Anything!

This book is for you, if you are not 100% satisfied with all parts of your life. If you struggle to set goals or complete goals, this book will help you push past the barriers and make your life more exciting than you thought possible.

The book is available from online booksellers around the world, including Amazon, Waterstones, !ndigo and Barnes&Noble. You can have a look at it or order it here >>>

There is a classic hardcover edition, easy to carry paperback and an ebook edition that goes with you anywhere you take your device. We are also preparing to release an audio version by the end of March.

If you would like an easy-to-read and simple-to-do guide on how to achieve more of the things you want in life, then go grab your copy of this book today. And for a limited period, I will be offering signed copies for people from my website here >>>

If you feel you received good value from the book, I would ask that you let me know what you were thinking on

In addition, please post an honest review on Amazon too. You’ll feel good, I’ll be grateful and it will help more people discover the book. So you’ll be helping other people change their life for the better too! ?

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

Moormead Pavilion Decision

Fascinating that removing a decrepit, disused, eyesore with no useful functionality and building a new, modern, uplifting and useful pavilion had to be debated for a further 2.5 hours.

The meeting concluded correctly with unanimous agreement to move forward with the plan as spearheaded by Gaz. Well done Gaz, the rest of the team, all the local supporters and the councillors who made a great decision in the end.

Nice to see some common sense being used.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Relax – You Can’t Do It All

This is an important observation.

There is a lot to do in launching my new book. There are best practices and pre-order marketing along with preparation for post launch and how to price during the first week or two and beyond.

Like preparing to go on holiday and leaving the office for two weeks, you can’t sort everything. You can delegate and dismiss items but you can’t do them all yourself.

So just relax. And so will I. I’ve made huge progress in learning and doing. I will continue to make more progress until the launch and well beyond it.

There will be many tomorrow’s after the 23rd January launch. So be sure to enjoy the process and the success that has been happening.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Seek Out Magic

In your relationships, in your work and in play. Seek out magic. Look for those little sparks of joy and excitement. Find them for the first time or rekindle them. Magic is such a wonderful thing. Don’t let it disappear.


Call Someone Special Today

It could be a parent, child or sibling. Maybe an old boss. Perhaps a friend you’ve not seen for a while.

Whoever you decide it should be, call them today. Even if it’s for 10 minutes.

You’ll delight them!