CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Become Aware

Figure out what you love doing. Drill down on the specific thing that truly brings you joy. Then, for the next 30 days, do something every day to become more aware of that thing. Study it. Reflect on it. Listen to experts in that field. Become aware of all the nuance around that thing.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts


Listen without thinking with your lens or bias switched on. Listen to the words selected and the order they are used. Try to really understand their intent, not your programming. It is quite difficult so you will likely need quite a bit of practice. So get on that. Practice listening.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Stand Up Comedy

It can be a real laugh watching some stand up comedy. Well crafted lines by hard working comedians are fabulous. Their simple observations about life can be so on point. Sometimes it hits close to home. Other times it is simply well considered and perfectly delivered.

More often now I’ll watch some comedy on YouTube. But sometimes, like last night, I’ll get out to see a live show. ‘Live at the Apollo’ at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith, West London.

It was a great night out. A friend with a ticket made it both enjoyable and possible. Thank you.

Stand up comedy. Check it out.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Make Changes

Shake things up a bit. Adjust your sleep habits, tv and social media habits or even how much ‘news’ you read or watch. You can stop filling your fridge and cupboard with foods that do you no good. Get those things out of your environment. Less temptation or risk will help improve choices and results. You’re the adult. You buy the groceries. These changes start in the shops.

Go exercise this morning. Walk. Do 4 pushups. Start. Try. Experiment. Do a tiny shift. Or you can make big changes.

How soon do you want to see results? How long till you make the changes required? What age will you be when you finally make the changes you know you should have made 3 years ago?

Make changes. #letsgo!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Talk It Out

When in doubt, talk it out. Go into discussions with positive intent. Seek first to understand as Mr Covey would say. Before you comment, listen carefully to their words. Try not to interpret them. Take them at face value. Then try clarifying meanings with questions.

It is not easy at first and can be bumpy even for professionals. But know that you are looking to resolve the issue, not be right. Being wrong or unaware is fine if the other person comes with empathy and compassion.

Most arguments aren’t created because those two people enjoy arguing. It is often a miscommunication or misunderstanding due to different reference points, beliefs, values or ideas.

Talk it out. You’ll feel much better for it.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Get It Out

Write, speak or mutter, you need to work things through in your mind and get it out of your system. A problem shared is a problem halved is the old saying. But you don’t have to share it with a specific person. You can act like you’re sharing it when writing or speaking. However, you can put the paper in a drawer and never see it anymore. Or speak the words up into space, where no one ever could give chase.

You will feel unburdened. And that is the key. Vent, rant, seethe or simply dispose of your thoughts and you will feel lighter, happier and on the way to a better day already.

Otherwise you are keeping a poison in your system which impacts your mind and health and has little to no impact on any others. Although they may feel an edge or chill from you, it will not eat them up inside.

Just get it out by the end of the day. You will sleep better and be a better person to be around.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Start Fresh Daily

Leave the past in the past. It is history now. What’s done is done and can’t be undone. Understand what could be improved and work toward that. Focus on the ideal with good intent and good will come of it.

Start each new day with a clean slate. No score and no judgement. Begin again but with experience, knowledge, awareness and a desire to be better in all respects compared to the you of yesterday.

Leave your baggage behind. Write a letter or notes to get issues out of your head. Then file it away forever or destroy it. It need not come with you. Forgive others and yourself and forget that which makes you weak, sad, angry, frustrated or feel unloved.

Keep positive words, phrases and photos nearby all day and review them often. Keep your ideal in your mind’s eye.

Sure it’s a bit of work each day but it’s worth developing the habit. The activities will become a part of you and then you and those you greet will benefit from your joy and positive demeanour.

Think of things to make you smile and start fresh daily.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Find A Way

If you really want something, you will find a way. If it is not as important to you, you’ll do something else. That is simply human nature. We are drawn toward or we avoid. You may even say we find something else to do, rather than we are avoiding something.

It is part of the procrastination process. If you keep putting something off, think about the thing a little bit. What do you like about it? Why is it supposed to be important? Is there a big impact if you do or don’t do it? Try to put your finger on why you are not doing something. It can be quite revealing, useful and powerful to assess what is going on.

Find a way. If you really want what that success will bring.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Move With Pace

It’s fun to watch people from different places or with different mindsets as they move through their day. Some are speeding through, making rapid progress. Others are sauntering along like they’ll live to 200 with no ageing. Choose your pace but it dictates your race. Are you in the race to win? Move with pace.


Look Up For Inspiration

There is something physical about looking up. It feels natural and gives hope.
Look up for inspiration.