CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Consistency Is Powerful

Getting started can be tough. Continuing can be even harder. But that is the work you need to do to succeed. Consistency is powerful both in terms of confidence and outcomes.

A consistent drip of water is enough to put a dent or hole in a rock over time. You may not get the result you want straight away, but over time the probability of reaching your goal increases.

You can see this with any goal you are aiming at. If you are consistent with the foods and drinks you consume, you can reduce or maintain your weight. Keeping to a daily and weekly exercise regime will work wonders to tone your body and improve your fitness.

The great feeling of seeing daily or weekly improvements also builds confidence. Inconsistent approaches return uncertain results. This in turn weakens your faith in the process. With a reduction in faith, you are less likely to continue to do the things you are supposed to do. This creates an unnecessary loss in confidence.

You see, the flywheel can work both ways. It can help you improve, gain confidence and flourish. However, the negative reinforcement can also accelerate your demise.

Consistency is powerful. Use it to your benefit.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Reach For The Stars

Think big and aim high. Things often take longer than you hope or plan. And the first iteration is a shadow of the next ones. Reach for the stars because you can.

Watching the Virgin Galactic livestream on Sunday afternoon reminded me how progress is made. Sir Richard Branson started dreaming about space flight a long time ago. He set up a company to make it happen in 2004. They thought they would be flying to space by 2006 or even 2008.

However, here we are 17 years after they started their quest. So things can take longer. Especially if the dreams are the bigger ones and no one has ever done it previously. Groundbreaking work takes time, money, dedication, patience and perseverance.

The tech they have engineered making the equipment reusable is brilliant. In addition, the comfort level looks sufficient for a wider variety of people to use. It is a very exciting time for space again! In addition to this exciting progress with space tourism, Mars is being explored more fully.

It was wonderful to see the mission completed successfully. Although I would like the space part to last longer, this is only the beginning. Remember the evolution of the TV, recorded music or even the telephone. Looking back at the first computers, laptops or iPhone’s also demonstrates how far things have progressed in such little time.

What other space companies are now going to pop up throughout the ‘20’s? Perhaps space truly is the final frontier.

Reach for the stars!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Be Selective

I am sure you think you are. Most of us do. We choose our friends, foods we eat, places we go and jobs. Choice is one thing but be selective too.

There is a slight distinction between selecting and being selective. You can enter a store and select a loaf of bread from the range presented. However, if you are selective, you will consider your choice beyond your habitual preference or first glance.

Take a moment when selecting something and really consider why you are selecting it. Think through your why and then think about whether it truly does satisfy your desired result.

This takes you from the general to the specific. Buying any loaf of bread is fine. However, can it have seeds or are their allergies amongst the eaters? Do people prefer granary or white? Will you need half a loaf or a full one? Do people prefer the thick, medium or thin sliced loaves? There are many other considerations too. Gluten is one. Cheese is another. Olives could be another.

Remember to think things through in all the areas of your life. Are the friends you have, the ones you need with you for the next five years? How do they bring joy or improvement to your life on a daily basis? Just because you have eaten that bread or had that friend for years, doesn’t mean it must continue.

Be selective in what you read, say, write, watch, eat, drink, see and do.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About ItWeight loss

Who Inspires You?

Stop and think about this. Is there anyone? Was there a person you followed as a child or in your youth? Who inspires you?

It may not simply be a who either. It could be a what that provides you with inspiration. For example, the idea of paying off your house mortgage might inspire you. Alternatively, becoming a fine doctor and saving people’s lives might do it.

Inspiration can come from other places too. You could be looking ahead to the person you want to be in 10 years time. It might be easier to consider someone else. You might even pick and choose certain aspects from many different people. What qualities do you like or appreciate? Which ones would you absolutely love to have, without question or hesitation?

When you know who has a positive impact on your mental state, you can consider how you could think like them in a given circumstance.

The moment of inspiration reminds me of the saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” At some point, something or someone will inspire you to do something. You may decide to get your house in order or your finances. You might change jobs, start exercising or build your ideal life.

Whatever sparks a quest in you to improve your life, or that of others, should be appreciated. Make sure you give thanks.

Who inspires you?

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Obsessions Become Our Possessions

Have you ever been obsessed with something or someone? Perhaps we could say you were a fan or fanatical instead. Either way, obsessions become our possessions whether real or imaginary.

For example, people can become obsessed with a football team. Their obsession leads them to buying scarves, hats, t-shirts, cards, tickets and programmes. They begin to possess items in that realm.

You can see it with cars too. If you become obsessed with a car type, you may go on a collectible binge. This can happen with more expensive cars like a Ferrari but also with more cost-conscious cars like a mini or an MG.

Arguably you could add in a love-interest, musical group or clothing line. A person may become our date or partner if we pursue them relentlessly (in a good way). They won’t become a possession but you may attract them to stay in your orbit.

As for clothing, some people become obsessed or fanatical about a shoe brand, dresses, suits or ties.

Most of these examples are of consumption. Becoming obsessed with a work ethic, a goal, habits or a powerful mindset might be even more beneficial.

Consider what you need to do and get obsessed by it. Make it your obsession to have a big goal, better habits and a resilient mindset.

Obsessions become our possessions, so make them count.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Listen To Yourself

Have you heard yourself speak recently? We make up stories all the time. We add in details without consideration. Listen to yourself speak. Then critically assess what words you are using and why.

This situation happens more often when we take someone’s words and try to make sense of them. A person will have said something and you will now try to make sense of it.

The challenge starts right there. There are a number of items to consider off the top. Firstly, who is saying this and how do you feel about them? Do they have some experience of the topic? Is this all opinion and experience based? Or can we use some facts to triangulate around?

Secondly, lets ask them to go deeper and clarify what they are saying. It’s best to get clarification from the original source. It is their precise intention that matters most in this situation.

Thirdly, in the absence of being able to question the speaker, try assessing their perspective. What could they have meant? The tougher part here is to do this without only looking from your own perspective. Try using my six chairs method to exercise your mind and consider different viewpoints. I covered this in my blog on April 24th 2020.

Otherwise, be careful you don’t make up a story that suits your mood, thoughts and comfort zone. You can easily create a story that isn’t helpful or accurate. If you have made up a story where you have filled in the blanks, go back to the start and listen to yourself.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Endless Possibilities

Often our lives seems to follow a particular track. There are a lot of repetitive tasks and situations. Although, you can enjoy endless possibilities and alternative realities.

But be honest about those. Are you willing to give up what you have and are to be what you could be, do and have? Oh, and there are no guarantees that your new future will be any better. However, it may not be any worse. It might just be different.

That in itself is enough to scare most people into inaction. This is unfortunate for you and the Universe. The more that each individual can optimise their life, the better. It is better for the individual and better for all of society.

Do one or two things just a little differently today. Go down a different road to get to your office. Call an old friend for 15 minutes. Try doing some stair steps while you are on the phone. Rather than sit there and talk, walk and talk. Do some heel lifts. Lift some light dumbbells while you are on your call.

Try to spend less than 5 minutes reading the paper today. Call that supplier and ask for a discount. Whatever it is you try, do it with great intentions. Do this type of thing everyday and in a week you will have done 14 things differently. That will set you on a different path.

Enjoy endless possibilities. Then enjoy the multitude of new results.


Plant Now To Harvest Later

Where you are today is directly linked to the actions you took five years ago. Did you plant the crop you wanted? Plant now to harvest later.

Because growth is hard to see over the short term, we can ignore our actions for awhile. Although that is not what you want to be doing.

You must be intentional with your thoughts and actions today. If you are, you increase the likelihood of achieving the results you desire.

It does take time and it does take effort. You need to tend to your goals like you tend to a garden. Keep the weeds away. Weeds are like the negative influences of well meaning friends and family.

Some people and situations will try your beliefs. You will need resilience to carry on and continue to push forward towards your dreams.

Be clear what you are planting. Be clear on what results you want in a week, month, year and five years. You can adjust later if your desires change.

However, don’t change because it’s hard. Keep pressing on in that case. It is ok to change course. But do it for the right reason. You’ll be happier for it in the long run.

Plant now to harvest later.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessProperty

Open Up And Say Ahh

Our corner of the world is getting better. Lockdown and restrictions are lifting and almost gone. We can open up and say ahh.

We did that Thursday night with our monthly property meetup. The first Thursday of each month we organise an opportunity for property investors to join together to meet and chat. It was a lovely evening on Richmond Green. We had donuts to celebrate Canada Day and also Alan’s birthday on the 4th.

It was a great evening outside. We could buy drinks at The Cricketers, where we’ve been holding the meetup for almost 5 years. It was so nice to see many other groups on the Green. Short sleeve shirts and some shorts were common. I did not see any masks. It all started to feel rather familiar.

That was the second consecutive property meetup we’ve held in person. It was a nice change to our Zoom calls. They had their pros and cons, and so do the in person gatherings.

I’ve seen the future and I think you are going to like it. It looks similar to 2019. In the UK we are due to open up fully on the 19th of July. It could be quite exciting. It is only 2.5 weeks away. Most children will be out of school by then or by the end of that week.

Open up and say ahh.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

Explaining Is An Art

Some people are really good at explaining their point of view to others. It is a real skill. Explaining is an art that is often overlooked.

People can hear a lot of things but with little benefit. However, with a little tweak and the ability to explain things well, you can really advance the cause.

A great teacher is priceless. Anyone who can communicate well is brilliant in our world. There are so many manuals that don’t work or aren’t accessible. Many seem to be written in a hurry with the finesse of a tank.

Too many people speak but say nothing. When there is still little or no comprehension, you have your work cut out for you. Try to see it differently and describe it through that lens.

This is not simply something you turn on and off at will. Developing this particular skill could be one of the greatest you acquire.

There will always be a place for people who can help others understand. These people are in high demand. Some people just aren’t that good at it though.

If you find someone who can make the complex simple and enjoy doing it, keep them around you.

Explaining is an art. Be an artist.