CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Prime Your Mind

Today will be amazing! So many things are going right already. I am certain more great opportunities will arise. Prime your mind for success and you may just find yourself having more.

Life can be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you live with hope, keep a positive attitude, follow proven processes and take immediate action, you are likely to succeed.

Oh yes, there will be speed bumps-a-plenty on your trip to the ideal life. However, if you focus on the big dreams and the excitement of it all, you are more likely to make it happen.

You see, your mind is a solution-seeking, target-tracking machine. Once it understands something, it sets about trying to confirm it or find it. If you say, “Oh no, not Monday!”, you may find your brain working overtime to supply you with photos of drudgery, pain and distress.

But, if you wake up and say, “I am going to have a wonderful and productive today.”, then you are more likely to do so. Most of the time, most of us aren’t paying attention to what we say. This is a real shame, for this is where the magic is.

If you prime your mind, every morning and evening, with good thoughts, positive reinforcements and strong affirmations, you will not only enjoy your life more, but you will probably get a lot more out of it. Try it.

CategoriesActionThink About It

Challenging Opinions

Do you agree with everyone? Has anyone ever rejected your opinion? Do you tend to reply to opposing comments? Challenging opinions can be helpful under certain circumstances. Most other times it just leads to frayed nerves, frustration and difficult circumstances.

If I am looking for constructive feedback, receiving a different perspective to my own can be helpful. However, if I am stating my opinion as a matter of belief, a challenge can be taken as a direct affront to my belief system.

If you add in some hot button, extremist words, like many of the ists, you add personal insult and casual hyperbole to the situation. A fair few people will take those personal attacks quite, well, personally. Some people will continue the engagement and reply in a variety of ways. Although, they can easily fall into an inappropriate response mode as well.

So when and where do you challenge people’s opinions? Possibly in the appropriate forum with people who are up to having that discussion. You wouldn’t walk up to people playing football in the park and explain how they are doing it wrong. So why do we feel the need to engage with others who are conversing?

So do we simply let people have their opinion and walk away? Or do we need to set them straight by how we see the world? And how they should too. Lots of questions. What are your thoughts?

I’m open to challenging opinions.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

How To Achieve Your Dream

Achieving a goal starts with the idea. But where do you go from there? How to achieve your dream, or anything you want, comes down to a simple process.

That process is like the one for anything else in life. What are the steps to getting dressed in the morning? How does a person book a meeting with three others or a holiday for the family? When you think about it, you will notice the same steps repeating over and over again.

I have distilled this specific process down to seven steps. I have outlined and further highlighted these steps in my forthcoming book, Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. You can sign up for launch updates at

The seven steps are Think, Overcome, Write, Plan, Act, Review and Celebrate. TOWPARC may not be the sexiest acronym but that’s what it is.

For any achievement you plan to undertake, you will need to think about it and develop a good mindset. You will need to overcome the obstacles in your path, both physical and those in your mind. Like an architect or travel agent, you will need to write out the plan so it is clear to you.

Then you make a plan to work to. This plan could involve hiring tradesmen, buying materials or getting the permit timings just right. For travel, it might involve which clothes and equipment to pack, which airport to use, transfers, hotels and even which local activities to book in advance.

Then you must act and make this plan come to life. As you progress you can review on each step you have made and make any adjustments. Few things go according to plan, so you will need to continually review it and make corrections or improvements. Finally, When you are sitting in your newly built home or enjoying your amazing holiday, remember to celebrate. Celebrate the wins that got you there and the overall win as well.

This is how to achieve your dream.


Life Changes Fast

A lottery win, new contract, new partner or a promotion can be wonderful. Especially if they were unexpected. Life changes fast. Sometimes it changes for the better and sometimes for the worse. I guess that is the reason for the marriage vows being written that way.

We all hope for the good kind of life changes. Although the other kind show up sometimes too. We need the resilience to deal with those.

Whether it is one of those Friday afternoon meetings which ends with your job gone or simply an unexpected injury, its rarely pleasant. We want to get through this pain point as quickly as possible and have everything running smoothly again. However, with most of these events, it does take some time, and work, to improve on the situation.

Amazingly though, life can turn on a dime and you can be moving forward again. I wish this for you. I hope your troubles are few and you manage them with personal strength. Hopefully you get more of the good changes and can let go of the other kind.

Moments are the creator of our destiny. Those moments will stay with you. They are usually easy to spot if you reflect a little.

Life changes fast. Roll with the punches.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Learn To Hustle

It may not be cool to hustle. And most people do not do it. But those that do often reap the rewards. Learn to hustle and you will win the minds of many.

I am talking about moving quickly. I coach U14s rugby for London Scottish and I am constantly telling the boys the value of hustling. Get to the place you are supposed to be before people expect you to be there. You can rest later. Do not rest on your way.

I grew up being well aware of Pete Rose. He was an American baseball player. His nickname was “Charlie Hustle.” My Dad liked him because he hustled. And I liked him because he seemed to make things happen because he would hustle. I liked his energy. It was inspiring.

You can make a lot of exciting things happen if you hustle. Other teams’ players make more errors when you are pushing the boundaries.

The family watched a great movie earlier and it was called “Rudy”. It was based on a true story. Rudy learned to hustle and it took him a long way. It’s a very good movie. It shows what we can do if we have a dream and hustle to make that dream come true.

It’s unfortunate that the “I am too cool to run or make an effort” traps a lot of talented kids in mediocrity. The number of kids with real talent is amazing. Sure they may not be the number one player of all time. However, if they put the heart and hustle in, they could make the league. And who knows where from there.

Do you really want to succeed? Learn to hustle.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Clear The Debris

Papers pile up. Books and magazines go unread. Meetings become unnecessary. Occasionally we need to clear the debris in our lives.

Many things are started which never get finished. It’s good to remove it or get someone in to resolve it. If a cupboard door needs fixing, then fix it. Otherwise, get a friend, or a professional handy person, to come in and resolve it.

If dishes have piled up, get them sorted out. Newspapers and magazines used to find their way into piles in our house. Not anymore though.

I was the main debris-maker. I liked to sift through the readables and keep them around if I didn’t make it all the way through. In addition, I would keep some with dog eared corners to read later. Later rarely came so the piles got bigger.

I had to stop bringing things in the house. So I reduced the amount of ‘interesting articles’ I would read. I also began throwing out the paper in the recycling as I walked in the house. It couldn’t add to the piles if I didn’t bring it in the house.

Then I reduced the piles by reading or simply tossing the items into the recycling. It was therapeutic. Get rid of old clothes, half done projects, papers and piles and those ‘someday’ items. Focus down on just a few key things.

Clear the debris.

CategoriesActionObservePropertyThink About It

Finding Opportunities

How do you find things you want? What thought process do you go through? Finding opportunities is a process but you need to follow the steps.

A friend is finding property opportunities in the new build space. He’s found a property to tear down and replace with two. He has also found some land where he could build several properties. Meanwhile, someone asked him how he did that as there were no opportunities to be found. He had been told there were no more land parcels to build new homes.

So while one person is out looking for possibilities, the other has chosen to accept that there are none. In my experience, people looking for something are more likely to find it. Perhaps it won’t be found in the first place you look. This certainly can be the case when looking for car keys or glasses.

However, if you are certain you will find them, you keep looking. Though the sensible person will look in different places. However, a person may return to a location and look more carefully or make some enquiries. These tactics also make finding something more likely.

Of course you can wait until someone brings the great deal to you. But you could be waiting all your life. So get out there!

Finding opportunities is about being very clear on your desired target and then looking in areas it is most likely to be. Speaking to lots of people and asking the right questions is also a very useful skill. So is listening.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Your Favourite Brand

What brand makes you most happy with your life? What is it that makes you feel that way? Your favourite brand can tell you a lot about yourself.

What brand values are critical to your selection? Do you value fun and whimsical, strength and honesty or perhaps precision and consistency? Products and services that really make us feel great are very powerful.

People are emotional beings. We respond and react to things on an emotional level more strongly than anything else. If you have the right product for you, the feeling can be one of warmth and comfort. This feeling you get can be so good in trying to help you to relax, sleep, calm down or just chill out.

Write down a list of your feel great products. Not the, “ho hum, that’ll do” ones but the ones that really stir things up inside. Write the first one, three or seven that spring to mind. If you can still jot down more, you should do so. A bit like popcorn, keep going until the ideas are only coming at a rate of one every few seconds.

Then see what you can learn from these and what moves you.

Your favourite brand, and brands, can be illuminating!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Performing At Your Best

Life is a competition between you today and you yesterday. Other people can inspire you to push harder. However, performing at your best is up to you.

Like many things in life, some people start ahead of you and others start behind you. Regardless of where you start in life, improving on your current position is mostly down to you.

If you were born with speedy legs, you will run faster than most, especially in your younger years. However, unless you train and develop your body and mindset, other people may overtake you in a race. You can be born with talent, but unless you build on that, people with greater desire will leave you for dust.

Of course the race is still just between you and yesterday’s you but it’s better for your mind if you improve. If you don’t put the effort in, you may regret it later. And often this involves some perceived sacrifices that need to be made.

This is true for all the areas of life. Whether it is money, scholastic achievements, sports or relationships, you should be mindful of what you are doing and how much effort you are putting in.

Performing at your best will pay off. Keep striving.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Move Swiftly

A comfortable pace is exactly that – comfortable. Consider moving a little quicker. Become a little obsessive. Move swiftly like it’s the day before you are going on holiday for two weeks.

Add a little bit more pace to your step when you are walking. Speak a fraction of a speed more quickly. Come to the point of your comment a little quicker.

This means you might just get more done in your day. Or you might be on time for more events and appointments. It will also mean that you take up less time of others.

If you do not value your time, you are unlikely to value the time of others. Wasting your own time is one thing but wasting someone else’s time is not ideal.

I practice moving quicker by setting an alarm to ring when I should be done a piece of work. If I have some smaller admin items to complete, I set the timer and begin my ‘sprints’. I see if I can work quickly to get the item done in that time. Sometimes I can do it. Sometimes I can’t. But I keep trying and with that I build a habit of hustling through items.

Come on. Move swiftly.