CategoriesFinancialGratitudeProgressThink About ItTime

How Do You Give Back?

Do you do something for charity, your community, people coming up behind you? It’s good to reflect on this. How do you give back?

I am trying to add more of this into my days. I do it sporadically and I would like to do it in a more structured way. It starts with giving my time to people who are building their careers or businesses. Then, Money for charitable causes and effort for good causes.

Getting clear on how to apportion time and money, and setting those aside for good causes, is a useful exercise. It makes you stop and think about what you do now, what might be good and even how it makes you feel. Should you set aside more time and money? To whom and how should that be done?

Some people are very good with structuring their thoughts around this. I’ve known people to set aside x amount of money and y amount of time. Then they gift that away through the year. Other people simply donate a lump sum and that’s that. All requests after that are denied.

Some people will give money freely but not their time. While others do the opposite. There are those that give 1% of their income while others give away most or all of it, like the incredible Chuck Feeney.

How do you give back?


Education V Entertainment

This battle for our minds was brought up a few times in a room I was in on Clubhouse on Saturday. Education v entertainment was a good way to express the point.

How you spend your time is important. What you do with it is your business in a free society. So you can choose to educate yourself further or you can decide to enjoy the vast array of distracting fun things to do.

Fun things satisfy our desire for that moment. Though it takes longer to get a result when learning. So which one will you choose? Which one is more important overall?

The great thing about education is that you get to keep the knowledge. With entertainment you keep that memory of fun. Though sometimes we forget about the fun we had.

I believe the folks talking about these two words would like more people to be educated. That’s a great ambition. Though it can be difficult. Being entertained is so nice. And it is usually easier than trying to learn and become educated.

We, as the adults of the world, need to help children getting accostumed to learning. Hopefully they will enjoy it most of the time too.

Education v entertainment. On balance, which one are you focused on?

CategoriesFinancialHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Enjoying Lockdown

There are some elements of this whole thing that have a positive component for me. I understand other people may not feel the same. Enjoying lockdown depends on your circumstances and your mindset.

We’ve had some impact on our business but fortunately not too severe. And I am conscious some people have had a terrible experience and worse. These are very sad circumstances and my heart goes out to people who have been impacted in a seriously negative way.

However, today’s post is about trying to find the silver lining in a challenging time.

So some of the things I am grateful for in this time of lockdown are as follows. I get to spend time with our lovely kids at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I grew up on a farm so when school was out in the summer, we would work on the farm all day but eat meals together as a family.

Also, there is no running around to all kinds of events, sports, social engagements, etc. I don’t have to contend with congested roads either. A calmer life can be enjoyed, without the fear of missing out.

The third reason is that currently people are pretty empathetic and forgiving if things aren’t going quite to plan. If things take a little longer or are a little more casual than professional, then that is ok. This is a nice thing to have.

I may not be on a beach in the Caribbean but for many reasons, I am enjoying lockdown.


Clubhouse Changes Things

Are you looking for the next big thing? You need to checkout this new app. It has the potential to really shake things up. Clubhouse changes things.

It is a fascinating platform. For those that don’t know, imagine a virtual radio talk show format. Anyone can create a room and speak on their favourite subject. Then, anyone can enter that room and either listen to the host or speak with them. Meanwhile more people enter the room and listen. Some may also join in the chat, or leave to go to another room they just heard was starting.

So, like talk radio or a conference, someone is the host. On this platform, they are called moderators. You can have one or many. And when people join the room, you can tap their photo and read their bio. This way you know more about the person who is there, whether they speak or not. Then you can follow them if they are in a space you are interested in.

It is a fascinating mix of speed dating, conferences, talk radio and social media connections. It looks like it has the opportunity to change everything. If you have something to say, that others are interested in listening too, you can gather a large audience and build your brand. It totally levels the playing field for everybody everywhere.

There is no investment in technical kit like a podcast or YouTube. You can have exposure to 100’s or 1,000’s of people in just a couple of hours. What is exciting, is it is with voice only. No distracting text messaging or over-sensory video. Just listen and speak. It may be much more effective as a communication tool.

Clubhouse changes things.


Save Time Or The Environment

When you have a hole in your clothes or a button pops off, do you mend it, have it mended, recycle it or bin it? Do you save time or the environment?

We have a skateboard which has stiff wheels. Maybe the ball bearings need replacing. Or maybe it is the wheels. More lubricant does not seem to do the trick. The options are to get rid of the skateboard and buy a new one for £30, or keep it and try to fix it.

If we keep it and fix it, we need to spend time on finding and ordering new parts. Then we need to go collect the parts or have them delivered. Once we have them, we need to get tools out and spend time replacing the parts. Hopefully that solves the problem.

The parts might cost £10 and then there is delivery or pick up costs, such as petrol. Then it depends on what you consider your time is worth. You may see it as a monetary value per hour or simply the value of having an hour of time to yourself in a busy week. Either way, there is a cost to you.

So whether it is mending a shirt or a skateboard, we all make these assessments about our time, money and the environment.

Do you save time or the environment?

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessTime

Happy New Year!

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, I hope you are making the best of things. Whatever the future brings, I’d like to wish you a Happy New Year!

Although 2020 will be long remembered for many things, we know what the main one, world-wide, will be. Covid-19 and it’s many challenges, including physical, financial and mental health related.

This next year, 2021, will come in with some similar challenges. In addition to masks, social distancing, lockdowns, and tiers, there will be the added component of a vaccine.

Hopefully this will allow us to have a major shift in getting back to regular life.

This time last year, we did not know this major health and economic challenge was going to be impacting us. Now we do know. We still don’t know how it ends, as no one can accurately predict the future at any time.

However, this year, you start by knowing it will be a part of your life in various ways. How will you play the 12 months that you will have in 2021? Knowing what you know, how will you think, what will you do and what things will you focus on?

I hope you have found ways to successfully navigate the challenges you’ll find in the year ahead. May you have peace, prosperity and good health, both mental and physical.

Happy New Year! ?

CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughts

Don’t Leave It To The Kids

Have you had a look around your house recently? Are there books, clothes, papers, tools or toys that should be tossed? Don’t leave it to the kids to clean up your mess when you are gone.

One of the best things a parent can ever do for their children is to keep their house streamlined. Every year it is easy to add more things to the family collection.

We buy new clothes but don’t always give away or recycle older clothes. We tell ourselves we will still wear the item once in awhile and it is still good. Or the classic thought that we will fit into it after we drop a few pounds this year.

Old sports equipment also gets this treatment. We assume we will use it again one day. I enjoyed squash in my 20’s so I am bound to start it up again in my 40’s or 50’s. Right?

Books you’ve read build a library. But is it a library worth keeping? Would the kids want to inherit this collection? Keep your absolute favourites on a shelf. However, gift all the others to your children now or send those books off to the local library or charity shop.

Take a picture if any items that conjure up fond memories.

Just don’t leave it to your kids to clear out all your stuff.


Start Making Plans

Get a jump on the new year. There is no time like the present. You have had a couple of days of celebrations and relaxation. Now start making plans.

There may only be one good time to start anything. That time is now. Don’t lose another day, hour or minute. You probably still can’t believe how quickly the last 12 months sailed by. In the moment, it might have seemed to be dragging on due to the challenges of 2020.

However, the clock keeps ticking. Whether you are happy with it or not. Whether you are lying in bed, lazing around, working away or spending time with friends and loved ones.

Time waits for no one. And if you keep doing the same thing as previous years, you will continue to get the same results. Little changes at the edges are a good start. Though you will need to make bigger changes to see really significant shifts in your reality.

Life is very exciting. Small steps completed daily will be compounded and will, in time, bring results you may not have imagined. Press on! Get going today. Write down 20 things you want to achieve this year. Select five from that list. Focus on these ones. Put a start date and completion date next to these five items. Then get going.

Start making plans.


Merry Christmas!

Good tidings to you, your family and community. Around the world, people may be celebrating a little differently this year. Merry Christmas!

I hope this note finds you healthy in body, mind and soul. Be thankful for what and who you have in your life. For many, Christmas Day will be a little quieter this year. Though there may still be immediate family together, which could cause some extra hubbub.

I hope you have a card to open, a gift to unwrap, or a call from a friend, or distant relative, to liven up your day. May you have inner calm and fond memories to keep your mind filled with joy. Enjoy this one day of the year for any and all that it brings you.

You may be in a warm country or cold, without snow or with it. You could be experiencing very few hours of sunlight or it could stretch for all your waking hours. Your experience may be in the mountains or by the sea.

Wherever you are, may your day unfold with peace and serenity. Keep your spirits high and know that this is your day. Enjoy every moment of it. There are people thinking of you right now.

Merry Christmas! ?

CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughtsTime

When The Kids Are Off School

What do they do? Where do they go? When will they get home? Will they spend more time in the park? How do things work when the kids are off school?

So most children are off school now in the lead up to Christmas. By most accounts they have at least 2.5 weeks from now before going back to school in January. What will they get up to?

Some might have a little Christmas shopping to do. Others may have some cards or gifts to make. Then they will have Christmas Eve merriment. Then obviously they will be fairly well occupied on Christmas Day.

A few of the older ones will be interested in the traditions of New Year’s Eve. Then four days later many will do final preparations to get ready for school, which for many will begin on the 5th of January 2021.

Ok, so what about all that time in between those few moments of being occupied? That is almost two weeks where all the schools are off and the students might be ‘at a loose end’.

Well, with lockdowns, social distancing, Tiers 1, 2, 3 and 4 and a variety of travel restrictions announced, there may be less going on than usual. So this year there may be more local walks to break up the hours of gaming, screen time, movies, board games and learning about finances and goal setting.

When the kids are off school, help them with some practical skills.
