CategoriesActionFinancialObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Get Rich Quick Versus Easy

You can get rich quick but it’s unlikely to be easy. First define what quick means. In an 80 year life, I’d say quick would be 5 years, though you could stretch it to 10.

You also have to define what rich is. So let’s say USD2.0 million. That’s a reasonable sum. If you put that in a dividend stock like IBM and received 5% per year plus some capital gain, you’d have USD100,000 per year income and a growing capital base. This would be more than 3x the average salary of a US worker and they’d never have to lift a finger for it for the rest of their life. For the average person, that would be life-changing and feel rather rich.

Can it be done? Of course it can. You can achieve anything. It is rare but happens 1,000’s of times per year.

Example can be found in tech startups, sports, entertainment, music, finance, sales and small companies. In 5 years, a person can go from 17 and obscure to 22 and minted. It won’t have been easy but it was very quick. Now go make it happen!

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Percent Now V Later

Have you ever had these thoughts? Should I party now and hope things get better or should I spend a little time preparing for my future life? The tough part is deciding what the optimal balance is for this constant, once-in-a-lifetime consideration. Should I spend and enjoy today or save now and spend later? The ratio adjusts at every moment, consciously or not. Now is the time to make better, conscious decisions.

CategoriesFinancialObserveReframe your thoughts

No Solutions. Only Tradeoffs.

I happened upon a video today that reminded me of this point made by Thomas Sowell, and possibly others too. Everything in life seems to be about tradeoffs. Certainly everything to do with money. We like to think there are absolute solutions but really they are just more, or less, palatable tradeoffs.

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

You’re Worth It

This is very important to remind yourself of daily. It will also help you live up to a higher standard. By using the powerful “I am” statements, such as “I am worth it and I am deserving of wealth and abundance”, your confidence and coincidences will grow. Try it daily for 30 consecutive days.

CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Donate Your Income

When you buy something, you are donating your money to a company, its employees and its owners. Although you get something in return, that presumably you must have, your money gets transferred to the stakeholders. Make sure you are happy with that donation.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Ask Yourself Tough Questions

Where do I want to be in ten years? Write down 3 versions of your future. Maybe you’ll be retired. Perhaps you are working in your dream area. The other option could involve moving home or country.

What would my ideal life look like? University? Married? Kids? High income job? High status job? Great investments? Retire your parents? Where do I live? What do I do? How many holidays each year? For how long? Where? Doing what?

Am I willing to sacrifice pleasure today for a better tomorrow? Most people aren’t.

Do I need to work on my discipline? Are there some messes I need to tidy up (physical, environmental, mental, emotional, spiritual)? Get one sorted at a time. Start today.

Tough questions will move you forward faster than anything in life. Can you handle the truth?

CategoriesActionFinancialGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTimeWeightWeight loss

Believe. And Act Accordingly.

Let yourself dream about who you are or could become. Imagine your life, body, relationships, finances, holidays, home and pass times exactly how you would dream to have them in the perfect world.

Let your fears and concerns of it not working out simply subside. Summon the feeling you would have if your dreams all turned out true forever. Now use that amazing feeling of relaxation, contentment and confidence to remind you every moment of every day how your life is becoming.

Believe you will get there. Then simply act accordingly.

If you see yourself as an athletic, fit and healthy person, do what one of those people would do. They would probably be disciplined with their food intake (types and amounts), their daily exercise, the amount of water they drink and how much sleep they schedule into their life.

You can be the opposite too. Just do what unathletic, unfit and unhealthy people do. You can achieve this too. Simply build habits and be disciplined around eating poor quality food, and just a little bit more than you should each time. Sit more and move less. Drink small amounts of water and have an erratic and poorly executed sleep regime. You can become as unfit and uninspired as you want to be. It’s success but in a different direction.

Do the above exercise with your money, your relationships and your career and notice how different your life could be in just six months. It would be a world of difference in one little year. And then it could be like that for the next 20 or 50 years of your life.

Gee, why wouldn’t you start working on this today? Right now! Your new amazing life awaits! It’s just one little mindset shift away. Start accepting this new amazing life in your mind every day. And act accordingly.