CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Get Fit For 2023

Physically fit. Financially fit. Relationship fit. Mentally fit. Why wouldn’t you want to be fit in all four areas? Yes it can be hard work to get yourself fit for life, but isn’t it worth it?

With just 15-30 minutes a day you can make great progress across the months and incredible progress across one year. With an hour per day, you may find yourself unrecognisable!

One hour divided by four key areas means only 15 minutes per day to improve essential areas of your life.

If you’re serious about making your life better early on in 2023 then commit today. Follow my 7 steps in my book Achieve Anything and get started making your life amazing today! If you want some help, get in touch on IG or via

CategoriesActionFinancialGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItWeight loss

An Amazing 2023! ?

What would an amazing 2023 look like for you? Would you get a raise, change jobs, land a key account or retire? How good would your relationships be? How would you know or measure that? Which skill or habit would you acquire or improve?

What about your health and fitness? Will this be the priority it should be? What does the best you actually look like? Where will you be on the wealth scale? Could you be a little wealthier at the end of the 12 months? How much wealthier could you be?

And what one thing are you going to do just for you?

I hope you wrote all this down. You’ll need to refer back to it all every week, at least.

This is how you have an amazing 2023 – you design it. Then execute.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveReframe your thoughts

Who Is Influencing You?

In an average day, who are the top five influencing voices in your day? Who are you hearing, reading, watching, seeing the most (time spent) or is most influential (short time but with major impact)?

On Sunday, one might be the leader of your religion, one of the Sunday newspapers, your spouse, your kids and/or your parents. On Monday it might be your spouse, your boss, your team at work, the nightly news and your favourite podcast.

On Thursday it might be your boss, your colleagues, your favourite author and people at your monthly meet-up.

Do you listen to them all equally or critically? Do you question their motives and bias or just some of them? Why do you allow them to influence you and not others?

Whoever you are letting influence you, you will become more like. If your boss is kind, or kind of a jerk, that will influence how you are with others. If they complain a lot, you will too. You better hope some of them are financially free or financially disciplined. If not, you might end up the same way.

Be very mindful of who is influencing you and why you let them. Sometimes it’s peer pressure, to belong, because of some of your values or fear of change and exploration. It’s time to deeply consider this and see if you can find influencers that are more positive or that will take you in the direction you would actually like to go. Don’t just drift along. Be intentional. Go!

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveThink About It


You can be paid more per hour but you’ll work fewer hours. Or the company will need to reduce staff altogether and you may be one of those affected.

Employees will make more if wages go up, so margins will reduce and shareholders will be affected by reductions in dividends and/or share prices.

There always seems to be easy answers. However, that is rarely the case. Tough decisions need to be made after careful assessment and an understanding of how best to balance the various constraints and options.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveThink About It

Inflate Or Pay?

Many observers of governments and markets thought the governments of the world would let their new debts inflate away. The idea being that as everything inflated, the debt would become relatively smaller and therefore more manageable.

However, it looks more like some governments and/or central banks will try to ensure people will pay back all the debts that they didn’t ask to be created. And to do so may involve everyone working at two or three jobs to raise the money, pay the extra tax and pay off the debts.

If you haven’t thought about how the next 1, 2, 3 or even 5 years are about to play out, you had better consider some of the options for our future. Listen to a few doomsayers and optimists for contrast. Then get yourself set up in November because March may be too late.

CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughts

Asking For Payment

It’s important to pay for products and services we buy. We agree a price, use the product or service and then pay for it.

Equally, when we provide the product or service, we should be confident and ask for the sale or payment. We should ask with the expectation of prompt payment just as we would pay promptly if we were on they other side of the trade.

We would feel like a thief if we did not pay for something we acquired. Just as we would feel like we had something stolen from us if we delivered and we’re not paid.

Sometimes people forget to pay. So we must remind them. For their sake, and our own. And do it right away. It can get embarrassing if we have to chase someone down the street for payment. It’s awkward on both sides. Don’t let that happen.

Most people are honest and willing to pay. When you don’t remind them to pay, they could feel like a lesser person when they do remember. Make sure you give them every opportunity to feel good about buying, and paying for, your product or service, by asking for payment.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressPropertyThink About It

Wake Up!

Are you financially fit? Are you hoping, dreaming, avoiding or planning, when it comes to your financial future?

You’ll probably end up broke if you hope, dream or avoid. And if you plan, have you stress tested it with challenges and been accurate with your current, realistic course?

You can do more than you think, so start imagining and planning. Yes you need effort and sometimes it will be hard, uncomfortable or even frustrating. But it’s better to have those challenges in your 20’s to 50’s than your 60’s and up.

It can feel hard, uncertain and confusing to get started organising your finances. But if you don’t, you could end up broke or in an undesirable (non) retirement situation.

Yet, if you start now, you can take control of your future, learn some basics and have a wonderful retirement, while still passing on a solid inheritance to the kids or your favourite charity.

Start today! It’s time to wake up! Do it yourself or get in touch and I can give you some pointers. Regardless, pay attention and set up your life to win! I’m cheering for you. ✅

CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

Risk On, Risk Off.

Being financially aware is one important aspect of life. Like it or not, money is critical to your everyday life. Try getting through a week without buying anything or using anything you have bought. No transport. No food. And no clothes.

You can’t even do a zoom call for work. It wouldn’t be right using the electricity, even if it’s just a little amount. Because it all needs to be paid for with money.

So call your mortgage broker and your financial advisor and assess these higher rates and what you can do about them today. Play out some scenarios. Pay an early repayment charge if it makes financial sense so you can lock into a lower rate today, rather than a 3% higher rate next May.

Unless something breaks and threatens to pull down the entire financial system, we may be looking at a 5% base rate for 5 years or more.

Learn about finances for the next three months. What you learn may save you £75,000 over the next 5 years. Isn’t that worth spending 5 hours on this weekend?

CategoriesFinancialHealth & FitnessProgressThink About ItTime

In 20 Years

What do you want your life to be like? Where do you want to be? Physically? Financially? Relationships? Work? Career? Hobbies? Family? Health? Fitness?

Take your current age and add 20 years. If you’re 43, add 20 and visualise your life at 63. List out what your life is like. Write it down. Note the clothes you’re wearing, your fitness, how relaxed you are, where you live (sea, mountain, warm, cool), how you spend your days and how delighted you are with life.

Think about your future. Visualise the dream. Add in all the detail. Make it very real and clear to see, not just the idle, transitory thought.

If you want that life in 20 years, what will you need to adjust to get there? Save and invest more of your income? Change some habits? Learn to delegate better and feel good about it? Outsource?

Make these changes now and work on the changes through till Christmas. Then sacrifice and discipline into 2023 so that by the end of that year, you are well on your way to that dream life. Then keep improving every year for 19 more years. I know you’ll make. You can achieve anything that you want bad enough. Especially in 20 years. Go!