CategoriesActionFinancialPropertyReframe your thoughtsTime

Fix Your Mortgage Today!

Imagine paying £20k/$20k more interest in 2023 than you did in 2022!! This can happen if you haven’t been paying attention or don’t take immediate action.

Many mortgage rates have gone up 3% over the past 12 months. So with a £700,000 mortgage, on a £1 million house, you will pay £21,000 more interest next year. Your rates may have gone from 2% to 5% or £14,000 per annum to £35,000 per annum.

Now if you fixed that for five years, that would be £105,000 less in your pocket and more in your bank’s pocket. Yikes! I bet you could have had nice plans for that kind of money.

You can’t do anything about the rate changes up until now. However, if rates go up 3% more by summer next year, but you lock in now, you could save yourself a further £21,000 per year and £105,0000 over five years. You know it makes sense!!

Get your pen and paper out. Call your bank or broker and run the numbers. Get a fixed rate if it makes sense. This time next year you’ll be so glad you did. Do it now!

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Remember To Smile

This one thing will win you more friends, interviews, promotions, sales and romantic relationships than just about anything else you could think of.

Smiling is fun, contagious, exciting, uplifting and joyful. Is hard not to smile if someone smiles at you. So if you train yourself to be the first to smile, you’ll get people smiling back.

Since our body state helps inform our mental state, if your body is holding a smile, you are more likely to be happy inside too.

So remember to smile, all the time, every day. Not just in photos.

CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

What Will Be Your Legacy?

Events define people. Actions speak louder than words. And, what people broadly say about you when you are not in the room is your defining brand (for that group of people).

Have you given it any thought? What would you love your legacy to be? Will it be raising a wonderful family? Reaching certain heights in your job, career or business? Will it involve charity work or a specific level of philanthropy?

It is never too late to consider this concept, nor too late to take some actions to bring you closer to the legacy you would like to have or leave. Time will continue to march on though. So you best get on with your thoughts, plans and actions so that you can complete your legacy in your lifetime.

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Delight Versus Settling

Are you 100% delighted with every part of your life? Or have you simply settled with where you are at? This is a tricky mental game.

If you say you are fine – you have probably settled. Fine is just that – fine. It is not amazing, delighted or “filled with joy”. And yet you can move much closer to those if you would just admit you wanted more or better in different parts of your life.

But that is where the tricky is. You might be afraid to admit you want more. This can be, in part, because if you admit you want better, you would feel silly not aiming for better. The reasons for this could be many but I would suggest it is mainly because it would involve some change in your life. Changing would be uncomfortable. And what if you failed?

Wanting something better is an admission things aren’t as you wish they were. And it would involve doing things differently. So you squash down your dreams, desires and goals. You say things are fine and hope no one presses you on it. How many years do you want to live like that? One? Five? 26?

Stop settling from today. Start aiming for brilliant, amazing, delighted, or even “so pleased”. It could be your weight or fitness, your income, savings and investments or relationship with your spouse, parent, sibling or children.

You can have level 10 across all areas of your life. First, be honest with yourself. Then set some new targets with some sensible timelines and get working on the life you would love to live rather than settling for one that is simply fine.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Set Goals With Milestones

I did that this morning and it worked great! I was at a cottage and wanted to kayak to one end of the lake. So I set my goal and estimated time. Then I had some mini goals, or milestones, which I set.

In addition to these, I gave myself some MTO goals. This made it easy to bail out of the Outrageous goal, if I didn’t have the time or energy to succeed with it, but still feel good that I had surpassed my minimum goal or even target goal.

Each milestone I passed gave me more energy to complete the reducing remaining amount. I celebrated each one which kept me positive and determined, despite the intense sun, sore hands and arms and aching bottom.

Despite the headwind and frequent foot high waves, I pushed through and did the whole circuit.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day with fabulous warmth (28C). Blue skies were peppered with occasional clouds, one was even fish shaped.

If you would like to learn more about how to achieve more in your life, pick up my new book, Achieve Anything, which is now out on Audible – A brilliant way to hear all the great content.

You’ll even learn more about MTO, goal and milestone setting and celebrating. Pick up your copy today! Click the link below or go to Audible to get it now.

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Dream About Your Ideal Life

Use your imagination. Refine your thoughts. Be sensible, stay in budget but build a better life in your mind. See it clearly. Add in all of the detail.

Now, give yourself 10 years to get there.

Then decide you’re going to start today, do something everyday and reach your goals in 9 or 10 years. July 29 2032 will be the day you celebrate hard from achieving your dreams. Congratulations. You made it!

You may be financially free, married, still alive, retired, travelling to fascinating countries, dedicated to charity work, having children, adopting, teaching, coaching, having fun, or any of 1,000 other things.

Don’t wait 15 years. Don’t wait another minute. Get clear on a goal or two now and get working on it. Follow the 7 Simple Steps in my book, Achieve Anything, and you will succeed and become Unstoppable. Go for it now!



Celebrate The Royalty

I received great news on Tuesday! I received my first ever royalty payment. My book, Achieve Anything, has sold more copies than I imagined at this point! Copies have been purchased in 24 countries, across six continents, around the world.

It was really exciting to have another income stream working. But even more exciting was the thought that so many people have been interested in buying the book and changing their lives. And quite a few people have left great, gold-star reviews or reached out to me with kind words or related how much it has been helping them. That’s priceless.

So I’ve been celebrating the royalty payment today and what it signifies. Hopefully I can help or inspire far more people in the weeks and months to come.

Thank you to all of you who have bought the book, got in touch, written a review, recommended it to a friend, family member or colleague or are simply using the content to improve your own lives and therefore the lives of others too. You are awesome. I’m cheering for you and want you to win!!!

CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Decision-Makers Not Covid

I keep hearing or reading that Covid did this to us in relation to finance, mental health and the economy. It’s easy to say and rolls off the tongue without having to think much about it.

But was it really Covid? Is it really Covid still? Covid is a virus that can get into your body and might impact it. Many people may never experience it while others may have no symptoms, mild symptoms or severe symptoms. In a very small percentage of cases, it can even be the primary cause of death.

As a virus, it does its thing. But Covid doesn’t print money, adjust interest rates or make rules about lockdowns, essential businesses, social distancing, or travel policy. Nor does Covid determine the economic situation in any country. It is not a producer or a consumer.

Just like fire, Covid just is. It is individual people’s reaction to it that impacts other things in life.

If you like, or don’t like, where you or your country is at right now, then let the decision-makers know. It was, and is, them that are making decisions about your city, region or country. Don’t let them say it’s Covid. It’s not. It’s their reaction to it, so it is them.

Decision-makers around the world made different decisions and still the covid outcomes we’re similar. Some people were infected and a range of health outcomes occurred. The virus is still here but now there are a host of other unintended consequences to deal with because of decisions made and still being made.

We could all be a little more accurate with our words. The decision-makers have led us to this spot, good or bad, not Covid.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressPropertyReframe your thoughtsTime

Keep Your Finances Updated And Tidy

There are many reasons to do this. It’s an investment in you and your personal well-being for starters. Knowing where things are at financially is calming, liberating and allows maximum fun.

If you know your bills are paid, your emergency account is fully funded and your investments are working day and night for you, you will have a greater sense of calm. And it lasts all year. Not just the week or two of calm you get from going on a holiday. Especially if your bills pile up, your admin gets behind and you blow your emergency funds on your, ‘but I needed it!’ trip.

Also, if you were incapacitated or died, could someone step in and know where everything was? Are all the accounts easy to find? Is there an up-to-date will? Are bills on direct debit? Or would someone have to hunt around and figure out what to pay and when?

Do this for you, and your heirs or carers. Start today and have it all sorted by the 15th July (2022!!). Go!

CategoriesFinancialObserveThink About It

Details Are So Important

I find most arguments occur because the people involved are looking at different details including timing. We can get a lot more done if we listen to the details and understand why those ones are so important to the other person.

Most issues are caused by lack of attention to the fine details. Precision is important with respect to timing, location, topic, attendees, etc.

Generalising can seem quicker but it usually just gets people frustrated. Get down into the details.