CategoriesFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressThink About ItTime

How Does It End?

I assume most people want to know how things end. Some people read the last chapter first just to get it over with. Some people plan well, including the end.

The end of a holiday is often a bit anti climatic for me as you often have to find your things and pack your bag, get to the airport and/or drive home. Life can be a bit like that too. The first and last 10% is often not hugely memorable. The 80% in the middle, though… there’s the beef!

So live it up and enjoy but also pack the day before so you’re not stuck doing that in those precious final moments that you’re savouring and wish never had to end.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Think And Smile

Think of a great photo of, or moment with, your Mom. Think and smile. Or maybe it is regarding your Dad. It could be with other family members or friends or an event you attended.

Regardless of what it is, find some happy memories and make your mouth, eyes and face smile with the memory. I’m not sure people do this enough. It’s so simple and easy and feels good too. Do it daily. Do it twice a day even.

This is also a great way to get fantastic photos of you. If there is a camera in your midst and someone wants your photo, look straight at it, think of that happy moment and smile. You’ll never have a bad picture of you again.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

What Really Makes You Happy?

Think about it for a few minutes. Do not just think about what society suggests should be the thing that makes you happy. Rather, think about what brings a smile to your face every time. Is it a person, a place, an idea or a belief?

Whatever it is, find a way to get more of it. Not too much more, but enough to make you happier more often.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

What Are You Looking Forward To?

What are you really looking forward to in January 2024? What makes you excited each day just thinking about it?

If you haven’t got something, imagine something and focus on that. Get some excitement in your day. You’ll feel better and your life will be richer. It can be simple like seeing someone come back home from a trip or eating your favourite food at a friends house. Enjoy the simple and low cost things as there are so many of them.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Reflect Back on Your Year

This is a good time to write down as many great things about this past year that you can remember. Hopefully this list will bring fun memories and remind you of the good times and successes you had that may be long forgotten.

Remember, by doing this, it is social proof to yourself about how much you’ve done, overcome and won in just the last 12 months. And hopefully it will inspire you for more in 2024. Get writing!

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy The Moments

Grab the moment while you can. Don’t try to hard, but don’t let it slip away either. These are precious moments that you must capture and treasure for always. For they come and go too swiftly and the feeling may never be the same again.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Finer Things

Spend more on a few finer things because you are a good person. Don’t always just take the cheapest. Pay a little more for a better experience. You’ll be glad you did. And you are likely to never remember the extra bit of cost.