Comfort is wonderful. But sometimes it is easier to find a stronger connection to life and living when you strip away all the luxury in life. Get back to basics and live with just the essentials of life. Some will find it exhilarating, others will see it as scary and still others will find it necessary. Embrace it once in awhile.
Category: Gratitude
You should indulge yourself sometimes. The mental benefits are significant.
Appreciate Don’t Resist
Just appreciate the offer or the deed. No need to resist it. Accept it as a gift. Get comfortable with help, assistance, thank yous and appreciation.
Play is powerful. It allows you to relax and be distracted. It’s fun. Play as often as you can. The world is your playground and its people are all potential playmates. Have fun!
Life’s A Beach
It can be simple. Just you and nature. Au naturel. Or you can add swimsuits, SeaDoos, picnics, noodles, diving board, slide, and a boat. Just like in life, you can always add more. Yet, when is enough, enough? Appreciate the simple things and you’ll love what you have.
Customer Service
Yikes. Some is terrible. Though some are really great. Today, however a bank/credit card company and a car rental company have been so very painful. I don’t recall ever being engaged for so long and walking away with such little progress. Some companies need to be reminded that our time is more valuable than their cost efficiencies.
What’s Fun For You?
Do you enjoy card games or roller skating? Some people prefer sports and others like reading. You can get a thrill from high octane adventures or lie listlessly near a river enjoying the heat and watching clouds drift by. What’s your favourite way to have fun?
The Comfort In Old Friends
Things always click with old friends. There is a real comfort in seeing them and knowing what you’re going to get.
Big Purchases
A house, a car, long haul flights and an all-inclusive or five star hotel stay can be some of the biggest purchases you’ll make in life.
Note how you feel when you consider the 5, 6 or 7 figure sum for the first time. How does that change once you’ve decided to take the leap and pay the bill? And once it’s been paid? It’s an interesting mental transition.
Prom And Other Iconic Events
What a cool and wonderful watershed moment: Prom. Do you remember yours? Or have you not had it yet? A fun time and memorable event. Most people don’t have many events like that in their life, so enjoy it and keep its memory alive.