CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Help Your Mom And Dad

Help them when you’re 11 years old. And also help them when you’re 16, 23, 37, 58 and 72, and all other ages.

When you’re young, do the dishes, keep your room tidy, get good grades, and help pack the car. Help carry bags and lift things as well as sell stuff on eBay and fold the laundry well.

You’ll feel better for having done it when you’re older. You made a contribution. You appreciated them. Taking some of their burden can be a very big help. You might not realise how big.

When you’re older, you can fix things around the house, take them to doctors appointments or help declutter papers and things.

Go sort something right now.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Everything plus

When we look at others, we often think they are the same as us plus all the other benefits they have. We don’t tend to think what they could’ve been through or how difficult their life was or what they have sacrificed. We don’t know, but we make it up and we add only the good bits we make up into of our story of their lives.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Do Good Deeds

No one has to know. Or you can tell the world. The important bit is to do good deeds, regardless of who knows.

Life can be hard. In addition, you don’t know when it’s being extra hard on someone. So do good deeds frequently. Then hopefully these good deeds will make a difference in many peoples lives. It may even save some.

CategoriesActionFinancialGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItWeight loss

An Amazing 2023! ?

What would an amazing 2023 look like for you? Would you get a raise, change jobs, land a key account or retire? How good would your relationships be? How would you know or measure that? Which skill or habit would you acquire or improve?

What about your health and fitness? Will this be the priority it should be? What does the best you actually look like? Where will you be on the wealth scale? Could you be a little wealthier at the end of the 12 months? How much wealthier could you be?

And what one thing are you going to do just for you?

I hope you wrote all this down. You’ll need to refer back to it all every week, at least.

This is how you have an amazing 2023 – you design it. Then execute.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Boxing Day Relax

The thing I love about Boxing Day is that it really is a nothing day. I feel no compulsion to do anything. Although I think I should check out some sales and pick up a few things that are now in the need category, I won’t probably do it and will enjoy doing nothing.

There is no requirement to see anyone. It’s not like a bank holiday Monday where you try to get away for the long weekend because of it either. It’s a day to relax and truly do nothing. Or anything you want.

Rather than Boxing Day, I think of it as Bonus Day.


CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & Fitness

Merry Christmas!!

Celebrate it or not, I hope you have a fabulous day of joy and friendship. Happy holidays to everyone!! Enjoy the time with your partner, family, friends or on your own. Be grateful for all that you have and all of those that you know.

Best wishes and Merry Christmas. ?