CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

A Warm Fire

Cuddled up under a blanket on a comfy couch in front of a warm fire can be a lovely place to be as the cooler weather settles in.

The red embers and flames flicking higher provide visual entertainment for the eyes while the heat calms and soothes.

The warm and cosy feeling can bring about deep relaxation in moments and often leads to an enjoyable afternoon nap.

Enjoy it when you can.

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Parents Dreams

Historically it was common for people to do what their parents did. If your parents were farmers or blacksmiths or royalty, you could quite reasonably expect a similar life.

As the Industrial Revolution advanced, new job opportunities opened up. Some people moved to cities and tried new things.

Today the opportunities to do different things is ever greater. And the more traditional jobs of many parents are eschewed.

However, sometimes we will do things because our parents wanted to do them and they we’re unable to do them for various reasons. Be mindful of this when making your own way. Don’t live the life your parents wanted. Reflect on what you want to do, what works with your values and also consider the outcomes you want 20 years from now.

You can achieve anything if you wrap your mind around it.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About It

Favourite Day Of The Week

Do you have one? It might reveal a lot about you.

Monday might mean you love your job or business. Sunday could indicate you love rest, sport or family time. Thursday could mean you love that you’re nearly done the week and can begin to relax with an evening out.

Think about the day that currently brings the most joy. Consider what it means in your life.

Then revel in it.

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Would you rather be given £1 million today or wake up tomorrow morning?

If you would rather wake up tomorrow morning, you chose that over £1m. When you wake up, you should at least be as happy as someone who was just given £1m, since waking up must be better than getting the £1m.

You choose to smile, to be fit, to take on challenges. Live every ounce of today. It’s the only day you get. But you can make it better than expected in lots of little ways.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

Do You Enjoy Rollercoasters?

Do you thrive on white knuckle rides? Do you prefer the excitement, lurching and speed of the mechanism?

Some people don’t like rollercoasters. The intensity is not for everyone. Where some people feel the thrill and adrenaline, others are simply flush and terrified.

How do you like your life?

CategoriesGratitudeThink About It


Can you recommend some good ones? I need to buy a few to use up my Audible credits. I’m looking for good content and a good reading voice.

Obviously I already have a copy of my audiobook of Achieve Anything. But if you haven’t got a copy yet, I’d get one soon. Christmas is coming, as they say.

Send me a DM on Instagram or leave a comment here or somewhere if you have a good audiobook recommendation. I’m on a mission.