CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Enjoy Right Now

Enjoy that you are alive to do this. Sometimes things are good and sometimes they are bad. But you are fortunate to be alive and doing any of it.

Others have died or were never born and can’t even have your bad times. Find something positive in what is happening now for you. Then smile for that element. At least you’ll get through things with a story from it. And it could possibly lead to something much better.

Enjoy right now. It’s all you have.


Travel Fun

Well at least we got here. Nine hours late and not quite to the finish line yet but hopefully we’ll be at our destination with no additional challenges or delays.

Everyone has kept their cool pretty well, and sense of humour, which has been great. And apart from a very hairy landing in 60km/h winds, it’s been rather uneventful.

Take it as it comes if that is all you can do. You’ll get there.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

After The Storm

I love the heat. And I love a little rain after the heat. Then the cooling breeze after that is just sensational. It’s a cool, fresh feeling and transports me to a Caribbean setting.

I love that pleasant moist breeze dancing through while it’s still so warm the windows are open and I’m in a short sleeved shirt and shorts. It’s a fabulous feeling.

I think of walking down La Quinta in Playa del Carmen or walking back along the beach. It’s a wonderful feeling and should be experienced as often as you can.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Enjoy The Outdoors

Get back to nature. Go for a walk in the park, go camping or hike a big mountain like Mount Kilimanjaro. Big adventure or around the corner, getting closer to nature, and keeping your phone in your pocket, is a great way to relax and refresh.


My Audiobook Just Released On Audible!! ??

Super excited about this latest achievement! It’s an incredible milestone and I hope you all enjoy it.

If you have several Audible credits knocking around, this would be a great way to use one! I think you’re going to like it. ?


Mark The Occassion

When you have something significant happen in your life, mark the occasion. This is why so many people have graduation ceremonies, birthday parties, anniversary events, awards ceremonies or simply raise a glass, give a card or reflect back for a moment – for two seconds or two minutes of silence.

When something is important in your life, give it a quick moment, or a full on event, to mark its significance in your mind.

Life moves quickly, so whenever you can, mark the occassion.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Take A Sense Check

A few times a year it is good to take a sense check and see if you are being the best you can be in your different relationships.

Are you being patient enough? Are you giving anyone too much leeway? Have you got the right boundaries in place to protect your values and precious time?

Could you be more grateful for the people in your life and what they do for you? How could you show your appreciation more?

Sometimes it is just a little adjustment in your tone, temper or tempo. It can make a world of difference and set you on a whole new course for your relationship.

It may not be that easy but, with practice and review, you will get better and your life will benefit greatly from this pit stop.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Keeping Your Mind Relaxed

Here are a few ways:

  1. Focus on things you have control over
  2. Focus on making those things better each day
  3. Spend a few minutes each day with your mind in neutral or meditating
  4. Ensure your ER Gap is small or shrinking
  5. Surround yourself with pleasant, respectful and grateful people

PS: Look below here for Sunday’s blog if you didn’t get it in the email yesterday.

PPS: ER Gap is covered in my book, Achieve Anything

PPPS: My book was #1 in Self-Help last week ??