CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Not All Weeks Are Created Equal

You would think they were created equal. Perhaps they are. When you open the calendar they all look the same. All 52 weeks look identical.

But then we put meaning to some. The week with Thanksgiving in it, Christmas, Easter, your birthday, kids birthdays and school holidays.

We add in all the hope-filled weeks. The ones where we expect to find happiness, joy, love, family, community and success.

Then there are those other weeks. The one before you go on holiday, the one with the passing of a loved one, those with challenge, strife or heartache.

Perhaps weeks are born equal. But then we create stories around them which give them colour and emotion. So once they’ve been through some life, they are no longer equal. They are different.

Some better. Some worse. But they all make the rich tapestry of life. Savour each one, for they are all that we have.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

What Do You Love About Life?

Serious question. Have you ever even thought about it? What is it that makes you crazy delighted about being alive?

Spend 10 minutes now writing some ideas down.

These are the things you’ll really miss when you’re gone, or they are. Start giving these the daily appreciation they deserve.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About ItTime

Cherish Old Photographs

A snapshot in time can be so valuable. It can remind us of how things were or we’d like them to be. Happier times can be captured. So can people we no longer see everyday.

We can look at old photos and hear the echo of the past. Sometimes the voices will inspire or haunt us. We can know the story or make one up. It’s a powerful medium.

Cherish old photographs, as that time will never be again.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Canadian Truckers and The UK

As a Canadian, I am pleased to see the trucker protest in Ottawa and elsewhere being held, generally, in a good natured, peaceful way. These are unlikely protestors and there would be few, if any, professional activists among their cohort.

Of course, with any large gathering, there will be a few things that go sideways and a few people who do things that both sides would prefer didn’t happen. But rather than look at the sample size of one, or two, lets look at the vast majority and the positives.

It’s peaceful. It’s almost joyous in its nature. There are lots of smiles and hugs, dances and good manners and even well spoken leaders calling for continued calm. Bear in mind it is mid-winter in Ottawa and temperatures sink to -20C (-4F) at night and might only climb to -6C (21F) during the day.

There doesn’t seem to be looting, rioting or arson, which makes it a much better experience for all affected. They are on point. They are there to be heard.

The UK has dropped the mask requirements, along with a growing number of other OECD nations. Serious Covid infections are now about 0.1% of all cases, despite cases being almost 5 times higher than this time last year. This is all good news going forward.

According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in the UK, Covid deaths here are starting to approximate those of the flu and pneumonia. If we could live with their annual deaths and challenges for decades, perhaps it is time to make this a win for the people over Covid everywhere.

I entered a shop without a mask this past weekend. It felt so natural and so good. And those that wanted to wear a mask did. And we all shopped and went on our way. No issues. But having that choice felt so good, after two long years. I missed that great, natural feeling. It’s so good to have it back.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

You Are A Champion!

Never forget how good you could be. Feel like a champion everyday. Wake up and declare ‘I am a champion.’

If you aren’t the champion of you, who will be? if you don’t promote you, who will? You need to shift toward being comfortable in your own skin and promoting yourself and cheering for you.

Sure, there is always fine tuning you can do. But you’re pretty awesome as it stands right now. Enjoy that, and confidently let the world know in a pleasant way.
